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We'll hello guys


New Member
Jul 2, 2014
I've been vamping for the past year now and I'm absolutely loving it!
I started with a cheap ego style battery and a dreaded ce4 clearomiser,
I then moved up to a innokin itaste vv/vw v2 with an Iclear 16 clearomiser after having a few of the above combos and I couldn't believe how much better the vaping quality was.
My next venture was then a vamo v5 with a grand vapour trishular atomiser and I absolutely loved this combo but me being me I managed to drop it in a rock pool and kill them both, I'm now vaping with an innokin itaste MVP and a protank or totally wicked dda wish parallel or twisted coils. I'm also waiting for my copper penny clone to arrive and my overdose by mcv to arrive and was wondering what you guys thought would be a good starting point,as far as sub ohming was concerned, with a rda.

I'm here to kick ass and drink milk, and I'm all out of milk, so pass the vamo.
:2thumbsup: Hello strictlyvapes, Nice to meet you Mate!!!
Aloha man,

I would check out Rip Trippers on YouTube (you either love him or hate him) cause he does loads of videos on coil builds, love his sub ohm builds and is a dripper.

I am waiting on my RDA, just ordered a cheap Omega RDA to try it out, already got my kanthal, voodoowool and organic cotton from RBAs and usually stick to a macrocoil (about 8-10 wraps around a 2mm screwdrivier) which gets me around 0.6ohm when all tidied up
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