Ey up!
I understand my vape style is likely not coil life friendly (chain chugging)
So the story is as follows
Hw m2 Eleaf mesh coils.
Getting like 4 days max before burn taste
Not sure if it's the liquid I'm using 70/30 but say for example I popped a new one in yesterday as I was away for the day and didn't want it to fail.
By the evening its starting to get burny taste (harsh on throat too)
Primed, and left in there for a good amount of time so the cotton soaked through.
By this afternoon, just not usable, nasty burnt and throat harshness. I assumed on replacing I'd see a dutty brown *as coil, however looks good - clean no visible signs of burn out or clog?
What dya reckon? Kinda frustrated as I've gotten to forth coil now in 6 days!?
Other info - Ello Pop Tank , slide top fill, Eleaf istick mix, never thrashed above 50w (40-90 recommended)