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what atties do you recomend

For tanky type stuff I love the Mini Nova, doesn't look so clumsy on a small battery. If I want actual metal atomisers I usually go for the Echomisers as they hold a decent amount of juice and I've never had a dud one yet.. (Touches as much wood as possible!)
I'm one for simplicity, as long as it works I'm happy, no need for gadgets, but as with everything else, it's based on personal preference.

FD is using a CE4

I use Vivi Nova's 2.8ml & Smoketech 5ml DCT's I also have a 510 dripping atty i love the flavour and vape from it but it is a bit inconvenient

<IMG src="http://e-cigshop.eu/image/cache/data/DCT%20filling-500x500.jpg" width= 300 height=300>
I've been using a Vivi Mini Nova for a couple of weeks and am very impressed. Got a CE5 Clearomiser yesterday and it gave a wonderful vape too :D
For some reason the mini nova seems to work better than the regular size, could be due to the replacement heads, but I find with the regular nova, I have to constantly keep tipping it, for it to wick properly, with the mini nova, I do experience some dry hits, but not to the extent of the full size nova.
For some reason the mini nova seems to work better than the regular size, could be due to the replacement heads, but I find with the regular nova, I have to constantly keep tipping it, for it to wick properly, with the mini nova, I do experience some dry hits, but not to the extent of the full size nova.

Tell me, I have only the vivi nova and have never tried the mini version. Are the replacement heads interchangeable with each other?
Have just started using a CE4 and have to say I'm very impressed with the ease of refilling and storage. Good bit of kit, liking the variety of suggestions though! Gotta love vaping
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