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What did I do wrong? (TC/Ti hotspot)


Nov 15, 2014

Fused 26/32 annealed Ti clapton. Four wraps, 3mm ID. 0.17ohm on reader and mod. Coil checked to heat correctly by dry-burn at low wattage in the dark. Aeronaut RDA. Reuleaux RX200 mod. Resistance locked. 300c max temp (dry wick tested) and 100w. 70/30 juice. Properly wicked with very good cotton.

Vaped for a day with no problems. Changed batteries in the mod. A few puffs later got a hot hit with way more vapour than expected and burnt/dry taste. Coughed up a lung.

Checked settings, resistance, lock, temp, wattage all good. Checked wick which was wet and not burnt. Fired with top cap off. Bright orange spot on coil, spitting and sparking. On subsequent test fires had hot-spots in the same area but not exactly the same.

Obviously I binnned the build but wondered if this was just a weak bit of the coil that failed or something else (maybe resistance lock slipped and over-heated it causing the fault).

Any ideas?
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you have over complicated you nicotine delivery system :p

no help i know but sorry couldnt resist :thumbup:
Yeah, I know.. maybe over-reaching for someone new to TC but I did do a lot of reading and am just trying to see how TC compares to sticking a couple of decent coils on a mech (ideally without melting my face or getting cancer). For what it's worth the replacement build is great and performs as well as anything else I have.
I have an aspire Nautilus on a standby in case of the shity build... hate dry hits... hate unpredictability of a twisted wires... hate the world for not getting me... sorry I got carried away, must be because I didn't sleep well last night...
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