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You're not alone @MrDJ :( I chased up the dealership to check on their most recent forecast of January...... Make that April/May and counting. :(
they actually phoned me last week and asked if i wanted to cancel and accept a lower specced car from another customer that had cancelled but wouldnt be able to give a refund on all the extra packages id added. i politely refused and said id keep my already extended 5 year old 3 series. might be able to get upto 10,000 miles on the clock with this extra time.
Didn’t buy but won this lot during FlatCap Vapers Keyword Treasure Hunt races last night. There was 13 entries and 5 winners then we had our usual races after the Keyword Treasure Hunt.
Couldn't resist my cart any longer, had to get it emptied. Only way to do that was press the checkout button.

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The missus took a shine to my Cadbury coloured Mixx so ordered her one for Xmas and a GT Mini to go on it that I got for a tenner.
Another Fireluke 4 from Evolution with a free 8ml glass.
At £11.99 it would be rude not to. :grin2:

The new X1-D 0.15 Mesh Coils are rather splendid!
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Some of Prime Vapes finest...


Top two liquids and coils are for my gf now she's into desserty flavours, and the rest are mine.
Hope you enjoy that lot, for me I don't really like the stuff I've tried from there, flavour profiles are a bit flat and bland for my tastes.
Hope you enjoy that lot, for me I don't really like the stuff I've tried from there, flavour profiles are a bit flat and bland for my tastes.

They do some of, if not the nicest custards I've tried, and one the best strawberry profiles. Two flavours I love but am very fussy about. Nothing will de-throne Supergood Butter 02 for me, but PV come close.
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