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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

Cheers @Lee
Latest FT order, god I've missed the Falcon since having to give my review version away so well happy :)

Also got a Profile so I thought it apt to shove my latest 3D Printed Spyro the Dragon - will it go up in flames like the Vandy Vape Mesh RDA? time to find out.

Ugg me make fire............

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Whats your opinion on the cotton. I was gonna get some but wasnt to sure what the quality would be like.
Whats your opinion on the cotton. I was gonna get some but wasnt to sure what the quality would be like.
Only just got it and hit the Falcon first and can't put it down, damn I LOVE it, I forgot just how good it is.

I will be proper shocked if the Profile beats it, but I intend to review it once I've got the wicking sussed (or not) and what the cotton is like.
Whats your opinion on the cotton. I was gonna get some but wasnt to sure what the quality would be like.
Sorry Vapen00b47 I just realised you meant the Pilot Vape cotton...........

It's my goto cotton for RDA's and perfection for single coil builds, delivers good flavour and wicks pretty quick, it's VERY thick and fluffier than a fluffy thing, I have to thin it out a fair bit for dual coil builds.

I've been using it for a few months now, the empty tubs are great for screws and small stuff.

It says it's for 3mm ID but it's more like 3.5mm, I comb a bit out of it before I wick unless you want a really tight wick.

Definitely worth trying for the price (£3.29 for 50 from Fasttech)
2No. New Samsung 18650 30Q
2No. New EXOVTC6A 21700 30A
1No. XTAR VC4 charger

All from fogstar

All day shorty e-liquids from El Diablo, disappointed, tastes really cheap and harsh on the throat. Won't be buying these again!
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