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What exactly is meant by mouth to lung?

There’s a sub-group of either restricted lung or loose mtl hit atties, that obviously doesn’t suit you, but it suits plenty of other folk. Just because the draw isn’t restricted enough for you doesn’t mean it isn’t mtl.

They're not MTL.

They're not DTL.

They're in between - maybe RDTL or LMTL.

If there was a little more information from the manufacturer then the people wanting that middle ground wouldn't be disappointed by a too loose (DTL) or a too tight (MTL) unit either.

And, those wanting a decent DTL wouldn't get something on the tight side, and those wanting decent MTL wouldn't get a sloppy atty.

There's masses of publicity spammed around about such and such new mod having eleventy billion useless modes with stupid names and a firing time 0.000000000003 seconds faster than the previous version, yet they can't get a consistent description of airflow going.
If there was a little more information from the manufacturer then the people wanting that middle ground wouldn't be disappointed by a too loose (DTL) or a too tight (MTL) unit either.

We must be visiting different websites looking at specs. Those I visit usually give you a pretty clear idea of how the airflow on a given attie works.

They're not MTL.

They're not DTL.

They're in between - maybe RDTL or LMTL..

Bollocks. Vaping really doesn’t need any more useless acronyms to confuse people based on the personal preferences of some random guy on the internet :grin2:
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Anything that has too much airflow restriction to DTL inhale comfortably.... is what I would say, I don't think it needs to be more complicated than that.
Yeah you’d think. On here it’s pretty simple as most of us seem to be in a similar range for this. However since I joined FB I’ve been puzzled as to what people find mtl when I’d consider it rdl.

Edit: also from reading some of the things people are recommended for their first vape from vape shops that are claimed to be mtl
We must be visiting different websites looking at specs. Those I visit usually give you a pretty clear idea of how the airflow on a give attie works.

They show lots of pretty coloured arrows, and wax lyrical about flavour and/or vapour production, but little about the actual amount of flow.

Even stating the inlet size doesn't always help much - I have one atty here that set on a 1mm hole is looser than another using 2*1.2mm.

Bollocks. Vaping really doesn’t need any more useless acronyms to confuse people based on the personal preferences of some random guy on the internet :grin2:

Or maybe a couple more would actually be useful and reduce confusion.

What's bollocks is labelling something MTL when you'd need a mouth the size of a cathedral to draw enough air in fast enough without directly inhaling. Or labelling it DTL when it's more restricted than the internet in North Korea.

If you like MTL / loose MTL / restricted DTL / DTL wouldn't it be nice to know that's what you're actually buying rather than spunking anywhere between 20 and 100+ quid on an atty that turns out too tight/loose?

Oh, and also bollocks is saying an atty (especially rebuildable) is suited for the whole spectrum - they're invariably good at one point on the scale or the worst of all worlds.
I only watch the mtl threads to see what devices I might like to dtl with.
If Todd reviews it and says it is a proper mtl device, that is a good sign that it might be good for me to dtl with.
I like a long slow draw that does not get too hot.

Beside me now is a salix rda with a 0.8mm airflow and a heron v1 wit two air holes showing, before getting the heron I might have had a KFL+v2 instead. For me they are not mtl devices.

My personal distinction is not between mtl and dtl devices, but between low and high power devices with low power allowing more air restriction and high power requiring more airflow. I am a low power vaper (about 1 ohm on a mech, 15w perhaps) .

I am fairly sure that when I joined the forum there was very little talk about mtl and dtl. If someone asked how to get more clouds, dtl would get a mention but mostly folk got along without even thinking about needing a label for how they inhaled.
Yeah you’d think. On here it’s pretty simple as most of us seem to be in a similar range for this. However since I joined FB I’ve been puzzled as to what people find mtl when I’d consider it rdl.

In my experience there's a point when an atty becomes too loose to physically MTL vape and a point where it becomes too tight to physically take a DTL draw and that's where I make the distinction.

Maybe there's a point right in the middle where they might cross over, where you could do both. But on my tanks even the looser ones, I can't DTL them without slipstreaming, so to me that isn't a DTL device.

everything else, as @Leni says is just personal preference. ... and that point where it becomes too loose or too tight probably isn't the same for everyone either, so it's probably pointless trying to make groupings like pdg wants.

........ or to put it another way, is it really 'looser than Katie Price" or do you just have a small dick?
In my experience there's a point when an atty becomes too loose to physically MTL vape and a point where it becomes too tight to physically take a DTL draw and that's where I make the distinction.

Maybe there's a point right in the middle where they might cross over, where you could do both. But on my tanks even the looser ones, I can't DTL them without slipstreaming, so to me that isn't a DTL device.

everything else, as @Leni says is just personal preference. ... and that point where it becomes too loose or too tight probably isn't the same for everyone either, so it's probably pointless trying to make groupings like pdg wants.

........ or to put it another way, is it really 'looser than Katie Price" or do you just have a small dick?

But you're grouping based on your inhale and your personal preference of a crossover point which is very likely in a different place to mine, depending on which of us has the bigger dick.

Even then, there's a whole range either side of that point which a single atty is unlikely to be able to cover completely and effectively.

Having a couple more groupings - while still subject to preferences - at least gives you a smaller target area and increases the chances of getting something suitable.

There's always suggestions on here about dialling in your vape with a different build, more or less wick (or another stock coil option) or a few watts/degrees increase or decrease, but airflow seems to be the red headed stepchild.

Maybe nobody else cares about chucking money around on stuff they try once and don't like while hunting for the thing they really want?

Me and my tiny dick are now leaving for a while to emulate sucking a hedgehog through a straw ;)
My mtl range, based on my personal preference, would be anything from 1mm-1.6mm airflow. 1.2 being my preferred choice. But some will mtl with a 2mm flow.

I totally get what your saying @Simon G and don’t dispute any of it. I guess when you nerd out on it it’s simple but for most people, especially when entering the world of vaping, mtl seems to know no bounds in terms of restriction.
What about a standardised suck-o-meter.
It sucks (or blows if that is easier) at a known pressure and measures the volume of air through the device per minute.
The results can be translated into a scale between 0 (you forgot to open the airflow) to 10 (totally unrestricted).
Variable airflow devices would have either a range from min to max or a number for each air setting.

We would soon learn where on the suck-o-meter scale we liked to vape.

We could get rid of terms like mtl, dtl, rdtl etc.
Instead of mtl and dtl threads you could specify a range on the airflow scale based on the devices you like and who you want to keep out of the club.
What about a standardised suck-o-meter.
It sucks (or blows if that is easier) at a known pressure and measures the volume of air through the device per minute.
The results can be translated into a scale between 0 (you forgot to open the airflow) to 10 (totally unrestricted).
Variable airflow devices would have either a range from min to max or a number for each air setting.

We would soon learn where on the suck-o-meter scale we liked to vape.

We could get rid of terms like mtl, dtl, rdtl etc.
Instead of mtl and dtl threads you could specify a range on the airflow scale based on the devices you like and who you want to keep out of the club.
Perfect. I’m sold ;)
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