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here are some clones of the unkwn:



The midg was made after the unkwn. It's next more compact version, so better juice capacity.
The unkwn is shining with 3MM diameter coils, and from 3MM airflow
The MIDG is better with smaller airflow pins up to 2.5MM and can use 2.5 ID coils
Few reviewers said it, and I personnaly agree with that difference. Though, I've not made many builds. They use clockwise coils, and I 'm more using cheap premade coils for now. Still have a lot to learn ^^

Todd did the reviews:

and the build tutorial from Breezetones add something special with wicking:

Hope this will help your choice :)

here is the ss unkwn clone from rekavape (cheaper than titanium, i took both unkwn and midg from this shop and they are flawless)

https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005839219541.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.14.3bc135d1tkqkdC&pdp_npi=3@dis!EUR!€ 31,34!€ 31,34!!!!!@21038eda16917124396803128ee1f4!12000034533157594!sh!FR!3941824150
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