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what now? - tips welcomed!


Nov 17, 2013
G'day all!

3 months in and vaping has become comfortably familiar and something I know I'm going to stick with ( at least until if/when i decide to kick the nicotine habit altogether!)

I'm vaping from both a Kanger 650 battery and the itastev3 vw vv , using EVOD's and a PT 2 mini with a 1.8ohm thingamajig ;) ( i've also tried the iclear16 and mini nova but didnt like them at all for some reason)

Anyway , i know the 'normal' next step is to try the dripping and recoiling etc but TBH, my eyesight is so bad and my fingers so large that I don't want to go down that route

I'm ok with the set ups I have and if that's as good as it's going get with my self imposed limitations , then so be it...but my question is.....What can I possibly spend some more cash on that is going to be be noticeably better than I have now?
I do vape mostly at home so am not interested in bigger tanks or batteries, it's better & more consistant taste and throat hit I'm after

Am I right in assuming that there's no real point in buying a more expensive 'machine' as it's the clearomiser/atomiser that make the difference? If so , is there anything out there that beats the EVOD's and PT2?

thanks in advance and hope I've made sense :)
If you dont fancy the rebuilding route and you've already got vv/vw battery you could look at a dual coil clearomiser such as the davide bdc,I find it great. Or lower ohm coils in ur kanger gear-cotton rebuilds do make a difference but bit fiddly I find(fat fingers + touch of a rapist). Other than that try own juices maybe? Sure the clever folks will have some more ideas shortly :-)

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thanks for your input :) Are the davide bdc and the aspire bdc the same? Do kanger produce a lower ohm's coil than the 1.8?
noddy if you fancy trying out new juices and want a pure flavour try direct dripping using a bridged atomiser there semi disposable and to change the flavour just burn off the old flavour simples! And with no wick all you get is the flavour of the juice. If your intersted try these www.ecigs4vaping.co.uk and look for Bauway LR bridged dripping Atomiser you can get them in a pack of three with a drip tip for £9 I got the tip from Vern and they were delivered today and I've been in it all day the taste is great. If you get them and need help give me a shout

Good luck
^^^what he said lol,got a little 306 dripper last week and it's ace! Yes kanger do 1.5 ohm,and the aspire/davide pretty much same inside :-)

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
BigAndy thanks for the tip! def look like something worth giving a go without splashing out :) how long do they last you on average?

I just looked at the aspire davide bdc on youtube and it looks very similar in contruction to the PT....how do the two compare?
Also , it would look a big top heavy on my lil batteries so if I wanted to buy something suitable to stick it on, what are the best options? :)
hodge40 what's a 306 dripper? ( google just came up with drip tips?) ..is that the same sort of thing as the Bauway?
noddy yes mate one of these,and the bdc looks fine on an ego with a beauty ring


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noddy the 306 dripper is the same thing as I was talking about. They last ages as long as you look after them I've had one probably 4 months now and it still works but saying that I used it every now and then not all day everyday.
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