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so you see free speech as a qualified right, rather than an absolute right?

it might be i’m a bit of a weirdo but it’s not easy for me to think of it that way. because speech is an action, something people are able to naturally do. it would be like saying you believe in the right to look at things freely.

and similarly if you were stalking someone or watching them naked through a keyhole, there may be consequences.

what, other than consequences of saying something, whether they would be formal or informal ones, could be a threat to free speech?

i also think people moderate their own speech. there are thing i might like to say sometimes, for example, when i am at work. but i don’t, as i might get sacked, the colleagues might think i have lost it, etc etc.

it might be that we aspire to live in a world where people autonomously choose to moderate their speech in ways that allow everyone to get along and not cause frequent trouble for each other but it may not be realistic at this point in time.

entertain me, i’m just trying to understand this perspective. :D

That's why I said you can say whatever you like, you just can't say it wherever you like. Sitting in your house with wifey you can say absolutely anything without fear of any consequences. Be an offensive, racist wanker in a pub and you'll get a slap. Tell it to a TV reporter and they won't air it. Send it to someone online directed at them and it can become a malicious communication and an arrestable offence. Because you're then infringing that person's right not to be maliciously abused.

I don't think there are many, if any, rights that are absolute and come with no conditions. Even the most basic right to life. You have a right to live and not to be murdered. But you don't have the right to murder someone else to achieve it and to save yourself.

We all have rights but not at the expense of trampling on the rights of others.
Were you the one dressed up as a chicken ?
I wondered who the fook emailed me this the other day!

Are you going to post the whole series again ??????????????
Nah ............... it's just that one that tickles me. :D

Might post the Bohemian Rhapsody one ............... if you're a good boy ................
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