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What to buy (And where?)


New Member
Oct 29, 2013
Up until now I've been using the Smoke Relief system which uses all-in-one refills which are quite handy but becoming quite expensive. I want to get something where I can put the liquid in myself and hopefully save some money! The choice is bewildering however. I'm looking for recommendations for a "starter pack" to get me going, I don't want anything fancy but not anything so cheap it won't do the job very well/won't last me very long. A recommendation for which website to buy from would be great too, plus any general tip for beginners. Thanks in advance.
a up mate. I would recommend this evod starter kit, pretty cheap from 'my epack' : http://myepack.co.uk/kits/evod-starter-kit.html

or if you want something a bit cheap and still just as good (if not better depending on what you are after) this mini protank kit looks good : http://myepack.co.uk/kits/mini-protank-kit.html

a little tip: when you fill your e cig with juice, leave it for a few minutes to let it soak in to the wicks to avoid burning them. And although tempting, try not to use too many different flavours with the same tank/heads (but if you do change flavour be sure to give your tank and wicks a rinse under the tap and let them dry out before putting a new flavour in) as the flavour can get pretty funky depending on the juices your using.

just a few things that i wish i had known when starting out, hope this helps! happy vaping
I agree with Miles suggestions, Myepack are a good company to use. I would say the first suggestion is better, as you get two devices, one can charge while you use the other. Nothing worse than running out of battery power whilst still giving up.

Even if in future you move on to another device, these will still be good spares or out and about devices.

The evod and protank mini are both good because they have replaceable heads. This means they will last longer than cheaper disposable versions.
OK I've taken the plunge and bought one! Seemed like the right choice after so many recommendations. For when it arrives how many ml/drops should I be putting in at one time? And I believe you change the coil (same as wick?) when the vapour starts to develop a "burnt" taste? Many thanks.
OK I've taken the plunge and bought one! Seemed like the right choice after so many recommendations. For when it arrives how many ml/drops should I be putting in at one time? And I believe you change the coil (same as wick?) when the vapour starts to develop a "burnt" taste? Many thanks.

With either the protank mini or evod, you fill them until the juice is just below the opening of the metal pipe which is in the middle! Sounds complicated, but obvious when you use them! If you overfill, juice will run into the pipe and out the bottom.

Both use replaceable atomiser heads, they will come with 2 in the pack I believe. These heads contain the wick and coil and you replace the whole part. When you feel more adventureous in future you can learn how to replace the wick and coil yourself.
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