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Whats best atomizers or cartomizers????


Jan 14, 2013
Hi everyone, thanks for all your help so far.
Before I get a riva 510 or joye I would like to know whats best for ease of use,which last the longest, flavour etc
should I get atomizers or cartomizers???????
What do you use???
Everyone likes different things :)

all atomisers/tanks/carts etc will give you different times/results/flavours dependant on your vaping style and juices.

Ill give you an example (this is for me personally).. grants vanilla custard is Lovely in a geny tank .. or on a dripper... but becomes kinda muted in a carto and DCT tank, Maplewood on the other hand is lovely in them all BUT pure tobbacco flavours like Puros or cigarillos (in my mind) taste better in carto's (they become too syrupy in tanks)

so its horses for courses ... get yourself a selection, play around.

My current set up is using an Igo dripping atty at home and work (dripping attys almost ALWAYS taste good .. and are cheap to rebuild) then use a carto tank when out.

I also use a geny at home ... but they are too faffy if anything goes wrong to take out.

Hope that helps a bit!
Atomisers are very nice for flavour if dripping or using a bottom feeder and can last a good length of time (I had the same Io6 atty on me Monkeyboxx for a few months of fairly liberal use). I'd steer clear of the older ego/510 tank style atties though... they definitely do mute flavour and there are better, more developed alternatives.

Cartomisers are cheaper but don't tend to last as long and often work better in a tank because they can be kept well fed with juice.

Personally, I'd recommend trying a Vivi Nova/Mini Nova... decent compromise between price and longevity (although some folk say they mute flavours a bit.. I've not noticed muted flavours but then again, I mix my own juice and use high flavour percentages).
Cartos for ease of use when you are out and about, dripping attys, geni-tanks, etc, for when you have a place to sit down, I reckon.

It will be personal preference, really, after having a go at a few different devices.

Cartos and clearomisers will last a fair while compared to the drippers, but will usually have less impact regarding taste, still, I do not always want my flavours to punch me in the face, so that is okay, having said that, I am currently dripping guevera tobacco flavour unto a 306 bauway bridgeless atomizer at 9 watts on a kicked dingo, which sounds rude, but is very nice, take it from me ;)
I have some old Joye Riva tank style atomizers I use on my bottom feeders but wouldn't use elsewhere. Joye Riva standard atomizers are what I use for flavour testing. For ego type devices Vivi Nova minis and Kanger T3 tanks / clearomnizers I have found the best, with the Joye Rivas for dripping. On my mods I use my new, beloved IGO-Ls Vivi Nova 3.5 tanks and the AGA -T tanks.
Cartos for ease of use when you are out and about, dripping attys, geni-tanks, etc, for when you have a place to sit down, I reckon.
It will be personal preference, really, after having a go at a few different devices.


Personally i find using a VV or VW (vari Voltage or Vari Wattage) is my staple device type, the are several reasons for this of which one is the ability to alter the taste and hit you may require at different times of the day or night or indeed for different juices on the fly, a big device (18650 etc) is not always a requirement for this, a "Spinner" or "Twist" is about the same size as the bigger mAh Riva / eGo types but gives you versatility as to the taste you need.

Personally i find using a VV or VW (vari Voltage or Vari Wattage) is my staple device type, the are several reasons for this of which one is the ability to alter the taste and hit you may require at different times of the day or night or indeed for different juices on the fly, a big device (18650 etc) is not always a requirement for this, a "Spinner" or "Twist" is about the same size as the bigger mAh Riva / eGo types but gives you versatility as to the taste you need.

True that, my 900mah vision spinner is a wonderful thing, looks good, feels good, does the job.
Just try and find wot you like good way to start and cheap is get boge lr carto and ce5 or vision clearo and give them a go
Wow!! I am pretty new to vaping, its a minefield of info, I never realised there was so much choice.
Thanks everyone for all your help and info
I think I will try cartomizers and a clearomizer to start, I don't think dripping is for me.
I hope we haven't boggled you! Start small and work up when you feel comfortable :) I started out with regular 510 atties then moved to boge cartos which I loved, next I moved on to clearos. Finally after thinking that rebuildables were far to complicated I moved on to erm... rebuildables. Each step was a progression, as I learnt more about vaping the more I wanted to experiment.
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