Have a look to Scott's reviews (igetcha69 on youtube) he has tried pretty much everything and his videos are very clear.
The RDA and RTA (rebuildable dripping atomizers and rebudable tank atomizers) are big favourites because they can be used with pretty much any cobination of mesh/wick/coil.
Penelope is small, and, like odysseus, it's pretty durable.
DID is well regarded as a relatively simple genesis atty.
The spheroid is new and apparently excellent as for flavour and vapour, but it has filler inside.
The steam machine uses ego cartridges, for those who like that (I don't) and is well regarded as for flavour and steam

Some of the new chinese seems ok, but not the tank ones, as I see form the reviews.
There are literally dozens options and not clear winner, also because preferences might vary and one only knows his preferences after trying a few.
The thing is, like with acronyms it takes a bit of research, is in the nature of the thing really.
Personally, I like penelope and, less, the odysseus.
woud like to try the DID and the spheroid.
But for a cheap and good vape, with the possibility to start rebuilding, the vivinova tank is great (the one with removable heads, not the rebuildable chinese also called Viva, which got bad reviews)