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What's the best rebuildable atomiser?

Hehehhe, I know..
Not cheap for sure.
Look for ngp, I think those are a bit cheaper.
Or really a vivinova, I like it, use it everyday.
On my lavatube and ego twist ;)

Ha!....now i know what they are...i have a vivi nova, i use it at home on my mms xt500. Flexatron geriatric....with plinth!

Sorry guys, just could not resist..lol
I have an rta and it Outperforms most of my other mods,its well worth getting in my opinion,i also have the cheap bulli clone tank it is also good but takes a fair bit of faffing about to get it right, i also have the vh dripper i mostly use it at night watching tv its a good little performer great vapour and throathit it can hold 12-15 drops so your not topping up every couple of draws i would recommend all of these but the vh rebuildables are about the cheapest to see if its something you are going to like, me personally i enjoy fiddling and trying different setups iv'e actually using the dripper at the moment with an inverted u mesh wick and the flavour is awesome
Is it just me...or are the "elite element" always going on about my rda, ssd, clockwork, oddy, flexatron , fekkin latest thing.
Speak english for feks sake

Not elitism mate - just common sense. Had my Clockworks RDA for 6 or 7 months - not only is it an excellent vape, but it has saved me about £80 worth of disposable atomisers - enough money to buy a nice little mod.
Not elitism mate - just common sense. Had my Clockworks RDA for 6 or 7 months - not only is it an excellent vape, but it has saved me about £80 worth of disposable atomisers - enough money to buy a nice little mod.

Fair play mate....i just need a decoder book to understand all the posts...lol
I do know what you mean peejayuu. It's why I did an amateurs thread to show an ejitts experiences. Now I have got it working I don't consider myself elitist in the slightest just a little better informed. The pace of change with new devices, fully formed as it were or for the rebuilder is becoming mind boggling. There will always be those early adopters or those trying the latest thing and waxing lyrical. I'm happy to poodle along enjoying what I have and playing catch up when the mood takes me. Room for us all.
Have a look to Scott's reviews (igetcha69 on youtube) he has tried pretty much everything and his videos are very clear.
The RDA and RTA (rebuildable dripping atomizers and rebudable tank atomizers) are big favourites because they can be used with pretty much any cobination of mesh/wick/coil.
Penelope is small, and, like odysseus, it's pretty durable.
DID is well regarded as a relatively simple genesis atty.
The spheroid is new and apparently excellent as for flavour and vapour, but it has filler inside.
The steam machine uses ego cartridges, for those who like that (I don't) and is well regarded as for flavour and steam :)
Some of the new chinese seems ok, but not the tank ones, as I see form the reviews.

There are literally dozens options and not clear winner, also because preferences might vary and one only knows his preferences after trying a few.

The thing is, like with acronyms it takes a bit of research, is in the nature of the thing really.

Personally, I like penelope and, less, the odysseus.
woud like to try the DID and the spheroid.

But for a cheap and good vape, with the possibility to start rebuilding, the vivinova tank is great (the one with removable heads, not the rebuildable chinese also called Viva, which got bad reviews)

I have both the steam machine and the spheroid aswell as some genisis atomizers.
I can say hand on heart, and not just because i now stock them the spheroid outperforms most in its class and even some of the gennies. The ease of set up, the flavour, the vapour from the spheroid is second to none!!
also it has no leaking issues at all so is pocket friendly.
I adore my spheroid, but was sceptical when they first come out due to the filler, but i can say that they work great. the filler does not come into contact with the coil so no burning taste from filler and it definatly does not mute flavour, ifact the spheroid has some of the best flavour of any attie i have used, and the throat hit from them is excellent too.

the steam machine is similar, but imo not as good performance wise and has air holes so can leak if you over fill. the new vst version dosent use the ego mouthpiece and can ajust the temprature of the vape. both are very very well made. And both have a place in my personal vaping arsenal.

I have my eye on a spheroid I do... Was never a hater of fluval, just the silly amount of it used in carts. I've got a feeling that vaping 'through' the liquid reserve imparts more flavour.... Really want one actually.
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