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Where do you guys try new liquids?



I'm just a bit curious as to how people generally discover new liquids. Because there is such a vast array of the bloody things out there it's mind boggling. I don't really know where to start. I have bought myself 4 of Grizwalds samples, only 1 of which I really enjoy vaping. So I've got 3 samples now which I will probably never finish. This could work out extremely expensive!
So what's the key here? Just keep sampling? Trade with other vapers? Find someone who has a similar taste and copy their shopping lists? This is challenge in itself.
Or does anyone know if there are any shops in the midlands which allow you to sample before you buy?
Thanks for any advice folks
Well there is midlands vaping which has meets (@mawsley can probably tell you more about that, other vapemeets such as the Bolton one that is going on tonight. Personally though it's down To reading recommendations here and pot luck trial and error! Don't forget though, if you buy some juice and really don't get on with it you can always sell or swop it here on the classies :)
I get a lot of mine from members selling. Found a gem the other day of the alcemists cupboard choc orange. Tastes like terrys.

And a little secret is is hate terrys but its lovely as a vape!

The other benefit is its been lying around and steeping so all the wait time is done for you! Worse case is you dont like it and sell / swap for something else x
ecigarettedepot, the monthly club, 5 random 10ml juices sent out every month, £12, you pick nic strength and mix ratio. You then get discount if you order one of the juices you've tried the following month. Just had my first order and im really impressed tbh, liked the flavours/quality and its ones I wouldn't normally choose, so im getting a broader taste range than usual.
Maybe like ,ask yourself what flavours do you like in general ? I know how you feel, it can be frustrating when you have spent more money than the price of tobacco & still can't quite nail it, it's happened to me too. I went off & tried a heap of different juices, spent more than i wanted to & only found a few i really like.
When i look at what my smoking habit was like & think about the years (26 or more) i stuck with generally one flavor tobacco, i see i'm spoiled for choice now. I can vape on one flavour for some part of the day & then it gets too much & i go for a change, then late evening i hit a menthol as an end of day-before bed vape.
You just need to find those certain vapes that sit nicely with your taste.
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