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Also there is cracking deal seen in Swifty's thread.

CE4/eGo kit from Vape-space for 30 quid which includes:

2 x 900mah battery
2 x CE4+ clearomizer
USB quick charger
3 pin adapter plug
Zipper case Instruction manual


Just add juice (which they sell of course).

I have no connection with Vape-space.
hello i am looking to buy an Ego Battery with a CE4 clearomiser and liquid i have been advised this is a good starting place
i have no clue which liquids i should be usuing any help would be great thanks

ok thanks for all the help and advice i have purchased
2 x ego 650mah batteries
2 x CE4
1 x Usb cable
Gold V.Tobacco - 10mls, Gold v. 16mg
Watermelon - 16mg

so i hope this will get me started
Good one $upermac, that will get you started. My advice - buy some more juice pretty soon, just small tester bottles 5 or 10ml, and get yourself a spare charger and rebuildable Vision clearo asap. That will future-proof you a bit, bearing in mind that the clearos do have a finite lifespan of 2-4 weeks dependent on usage of course.
The rebuild-able clearos are great in that you can simply replace the atty head rather than the whole shebang, and for a cost of £3-ish.
Not sure if your CE4s are rebuild-able or not, if so, then kindly disregard my addled ramblings above!
A great source to get lots of juices is www.mtbakervapor.com they have a huge range of juices, and it's very very cheap, only down side being you have to wait 10-20 days for it to cross the pond =p

We have some amazing vendors here in the UK, PixieJuice and Waves of Vapor being my favs, but I haven't found a UK vendor to match the price of MBV without having poor quality juices.

**Notice: I am not affiliated with any of the said vendors, I'm just a fan of the juices they sell**
Tromain - why did you have to point out another seller for me to look at? With soooooo many lovely sounding flavours too??! Damn you!! ;)
I'm still working my way through their juice choices 6 months after finding them!
Ahh they don't appear to be in the discount code section up top either, but they have a discount code to use also to get 10% off: UKVapors
you were right my CE4s are not rebuild-able so i do need a rebuildable Vision clearo + spare wicks where to buy is my question
does ce5 fit ego 650mah batteries
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