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Where to now?


Nov 19, 2013
Evening all

i came on here a mere slip of a man back in November with no clue what anybody was talking about.

I still have no clue... But perhaps more than I originally did.

Since throwing away away my last cigarette on December 13th I have been infected with a severe case of shinyitis. This caused huge outbreaks of pro tankism and the dreaded innikonism rash.

Having itched both quite extensively, causing huge surges of 'ooh I like that juice' disease I now find myself with a collection of sorts and an understanding of where I am.

I have little free time (young twins) so I find the variable wattage gear is good for me. Fill it. Bit of an adjustment depending on the juice and away we go. No calculations required.

So. My quandary. After bleeding Mr and Mrs Innokin dry I find I still have the itch.

Do do I now go to another brand and fill my cupboards with another suppliers fares?

Im aware it's all basically the same same. It's just SO SHINY

OR.... Do I go mech?

i mean. It all sounds great. But (forgive me here purists) aren't mech mods just a pre set experience, whereas your variables give you the ability to adjust

Please dont shoot me. I'm only new

You are correct, with a mech the variable part is in how you set up the topper, with a little tuning and playing you can get the exact experience you are looking for from them.

with tanko's not so much, you get what it was built to do and not much else, no matter where you stick it.

I realize in your situation time is a problem but im my veiw I would branch out into better delivery systems before different mods or mechs.

something like a kayfun may be just what you need to scratch the itch, after a few times, setting it up is very easy and the vape will blow the cheaper tanko's out of the way. and with the right coils wick changes are fast and simple, I run silica builds so about every 3 days I do a quick clean and dry burn and refill.

Thatnks so much for that reply. The way you note it as a 'delivery system' makes sense to me

I've had a look around online and it is perhaps the way forward for me. 'seems fairly simple.

I see there is now the Kayfun and the Kayfun lite.... will have to continue reading. Then there are originals and clones... again more reading (wish i'd studied this hard at school)

So, this is an atomiser right? Does the Kayfun lead the way in a good vape with simplistic maintenance?


Hi Sean,the kayfun is a good device and comes well recommended.There are "alternatives" that can provide the same experiences as they are the same atomizer with a different brand label.There are also brands that are obviously based on the kayfun,but have added features like airflow controls that work,or a juice control etc.A simple method to locate a few of the kayfun based devices is to type kayfun into eBays search,just to locate a few of their names,not to buy them(as there are some snidey twats that will list a Kayfun as a genuine item that turns out to be a fecking clone made of brass)The originals were selling for £70+ & the clones on eBay are a £10.Whatever you do decide to buy,there are plenty people on POTV can advise you on its suitability.
if I were you and are getting irritable about the next level (which I did lol ) I would go down the mechanical mod route and genesis type rba.s but do some good research first
if I were you and are getting irritable about the next level (which I did lol ) I would go down the mechanical mod route and genesis type rba.s but do some good research first

Also depends if he likes top coilers or bottom coilers :)
I never got on with top coiled clearomizers and the same with gennie types,whereas kayfuns,taifuns,aquas and foggers are where its at for me

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
thanks for all the responses.. as ever
i bloody love this forum

i have been reading up on the Kayfuns and although the price of an original is a receipt to be hid (come on, we've all been there) i think it may be my next step

it may be because im still pretty green, but for me, mech mods, although sexy as hell, seem like a step too far for me at the mo

i have a few vv/vw mods now, which take a lot of the thinking away from me. Not sure i have the mental capacity to be playing around with the mechs........ yet

as ever, thanks for your help

ps, sitting on my lap top smo..... vaping away is still such a treat

You will get into mechs soon enough, but a RBA is the way to go, as this can be used on VV/VW devices to, and changes the flavour no end, compared to eVods, Protanks etc. With different combinations like silica, ekowool, SS mesh and cotton wool, they all taste different. As a new user in this field, I would look at either a Kayfun clone or Taifun clone, before looking at an original. A very expensive step if you find they are not to your liking if you have purchased an original. If you are going to look at a genny, I would recommend a RSST, as they are by far the easiest to coil :)

Whatever you decide to go for, best of luck, and go for it, you wont regret it :)
i seriously love this place
thanks all
as ever, blown away by people giving me their time and knowledge.. for nothing
now if we could just convince the rest of the world that this is the way to be.......
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