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i seriously love this place
thanks all
as ever, blown away by people giving me their time and knowledge.. for nothing
now if we could just convince the rest of the world that this is the way to be.......

I was just like you at the beginning mate,now I have no vv/vw devices only mechs and rba's.
And I dont think I will be interested in getting any apv's anytime soon.
I also had the innokin bug it gets pretty bad;)
By the way I habe only been vaping 5 weeks so the transition didnt take that long :D

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
So. Am thinking Kayfun lite. I don't have a clue what I'm talking about so....ekowool or silica wick?

Im im not sure I even know what my question means!
So. Am thinking Kayfun lite. I don't have a clue what I'm talking about so....ekowool or silica wick?

Im im not sure I even know what my question means!

I skipped both and went for cotton,its damn cheap and quite easy to use once you get your own way of doing it.
6 wraps of 0.30mm kanthal wire around a 2mm drill bit gave me a coil of about 1.9-2.0 ohms.
Watch a video of kayfun cotton setup.
Its easy as pie when you see it done,now getting it to work for you! a bit of tinkering with the amount of wraps/and amount of cotton your using may be needed.
I only got my 1st rebuildable last week and I love it!!!!

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Just been glued to you tube for an hour.

Definitely seems to be a lot of people using the cotton on these.

Just ANOTHER question. Once you've built your coil, what kind of lifespan does it have?

Just watched a few micro coil and cotton builds, loads of info, but nothing about life of either 'disposable'

am not thinking about cost, more about time.

As ever, ta
mechs *seem* simple. they are actually way more complicated than they first appear.

You customise your vape based on the resistance of the coil you put in it and of the type of coil you put in it. Then there is the voltage drop (the amount of power that the mod itself 'eats' before it gets to the coil) and there is lots of button options too. you might prefer a pinky button or a side button, one with a smooth action or a clicky action, a long throw or a short throw.

If you're building micro coils they have a lifespan of 'fookin ages' though you need to rewick them often the coil itself will last ages. You can easily get a couple of months out of a normal coil on a stainless mesh wick though it'll need cleaning every once in a while (usually every week - depends on the juice you use and how good the wick is)

I run a Kayfun with a cotton micro coil in it and the coil is getting on for 2 months old, though I put new cotton in it every time I refill the tank. (which takes about 2 minutes tops)
a big thanks to @PunkRockr for showing me how to scratch the itch
After some fairly extensive 'study' i now have a fairly bank busting package of vapemail which, apart from a few not very exciting bits and pieces, has the Kayfun lite plus nestled within
added to this, both kids are asleep, my wife is out for the night and i happen to have a fairly lovely bottle of red with my name on it!!
not sure i ever got this excited about a new pack of B&H
think im going to go down the micro coil route, i have you tubed myself to death on that one...
i also picked up some 32 ga Kanthal and i have ekowool and cotton (although ive just realised the cotton isnt organic, is that an issue?)
any thoughts on initial set up?
as ever, all advice greatly appreciated, i sit here like a pig in the brown stuff..

Vape on !

I purchased some cotton wool balls from Boots as organic type is like rockin horse poo..no nasty tastes for me..one tip I kept reading about wicking with cotton "less is more" or "half what you guesstimate to fit"
Those statements are correct as the cotton swells so much..don't block juice channels and try to keep cotton on the back wall but touching the deck..this atty is "forgiving"well it must be as I managed to nail it !
Good choice buddy
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