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Which other vendors and flavours


May 30, 2014
Hey guys and gals. I am looking for some new great liquids and I thought if I gave you a list of what I already like it may help towards advice.

Kraken ecigs

Love squid ink and minion farts (not too keen on red lady)

Digbys juices

Love mums custard and apple and cinnamon pudding.

Don't mind gunpowder and hooligan but not preferred.


Love powwow sauce, nana bozo and the peanut one.

Im looking for good quality all day vape and so far mums custard, Apple and cinnamon pudding and squid ink have been my fave :-)

Any suggestions appreciated and thank you!!

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I highly recommend five pawns, very complex flavours. Also worth a mention are Mrs Lord and co, nice flavours but less complex.
Try the manabush Waxahacia, it's got a lovely gingerbread flavour, so good I bought a 100mls

Heisenburg from Vamp Vapes is nice sort of a cross between a spearmint mouthwash and spearmint chewingum.

Some others are red astire from T juice etc, trouble is I find the flavors while very good, are a bit strong for an all day vape, I prefer to keep them for the evening.

For my all day vapes I tend to go with £1 eliguids.
Ty for replies I quite like the more complex flavours so may go down that road

Out of interest does anyone know a really good strawberry flavour? Maybe strawberry and cream.

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Halcyon haze is a good one to try there flavour are great vape them most days have a look and see if there for you
I love Digby's Dr Jeckyl (very strong anaise and mint) and El Cadejo (sweet cactus and berry) as occasional treats with their DMC80 as an ADV

I like all of Penguin's desserty stuff but Adelie and Yellow Eyed stand out.

Ruthless do nice fruits. Love Swamp Thang (apple candy) and EzDuzIt (strawberry and watermelon).

The local B&M has started selling Temptations' range and the couple I have tried have been almost ADV good.
Once again i thank you for replies

I have a few more purchases to make now :-) haha

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