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Who's "the Daddy" vape manufacturer?


Jan 8, 2019
Just another one i'm interested in getting everyone's thoughts on, i'm still new but have spent hours (or days) trawling the internet looking at lovely shiny bits of kit but who are the "Rolls Royce" manufacturer of vaping kit? I know there will be lots of opinion on this and watching Youtube seems to throw up some favourites / regular top dogs which seem to vary model to model but who would you class as the creme de la creme of vape kit suppliers?
I will just leave this here and walk away slowly

All down to personal choice really and what your happy with, my vaping at the moment is the best it's ever been and i've been at it over eight year's, i don't own anything megga expensive but i'm well pleased with the kit i have.

Good luck in your quest to find the Daddy.
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