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Why dont I get the same vape?


May 16, 2017
On my DNA 250 I am running 0.34 vertabraid coils in TC with a 75w preheat 55w and 230c using a drop RDA and it runs perfectly all the time. If I put the atty on my thinkvape finder 250c whatever I try I cannot get TC to work well sometimes it throttles straight away and I get no vape and sometimes I press the fire button it will start then die and sometimes it will work for a few goes then die. These all happen whether I have loads of juice in there or not

I have a stable atty according to escribe.

I dont get whats going on

Could there be an issue with the mod? could it be that the new C mods have been designed to be used in replay despite there being the normal profiles on it.

EDIT material is 316L using the Elite Steam Engine CSV (ps the tinkvape does this whatever I use whether its ss430 or ss316L profiles)
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Is the 510 connection deeper down on the think finder? Maybe your atomiser isn't making a great connection?
it is a bit but the atomizer thing on escribe say that atty is stable and wattage mode and replay work ok,
Use the device monitor in escribe to see what's going on when you fire the coil in TC with the same settings.
the temp looks very stable though? ... the red line that goes up to meet the temp you have it set at....

that's not 'sag' though that's the mod dropping the power to keep the coil at that temp?

How does it compare to the mod you think is working better?
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