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Wick and Wire- What should I get?


Dec 13, 2013
Getting an Igo-L in the near future, and because I've never built my own coils I have only some idea of what to do. I'm thinking about attempting micro coils, I don't know if that's a factor when choosing wick and wire.

Wire: Kanthal, what gauge should I get? I know it's going to be different for people who know what they're doing but what should a beginner get? Is a higher number a thicker wire(.28 thicker than .20)? And what effect does the gauge have on resistance?

Wick: Heard a lot of good things about cotton, but I like to change juices all the time and cotton always has to be saturated so I don't want to be wasting any e-juice or having a burnt taste.. I'm buying my Igo-L form Stealthvape and they have different wicks on there so is one of them an alternative to silica? If silica is the one for me, what width should I get?

Sorry about all these questions, which are probably very stupid :S but I want to learn about coiling so it'll be worth it eventually... :P Thanks.
Have a look at stealthvape. They do sample packs with all different gauges.
If you're planning on micro coils then something around 0.3mm should work well with a cotton wool wick.

If you're using silica wick with 'regular' coils then 0.2mm wire is a good starting point. I use both 2 and 3mm wick and yes, stealthvape is an excellent vendor of write amd wick.
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