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Wicking coil via mouthpeice. Does it cause a short? Is it safe?

and 3...2...1... breath. now back on topic for the OP before you scare them off :)
You shouldn’t really need to do that Charlie as the guys above have said.

The reason your liquid is pooling out of the airflow is that the drip tip and airflow are directly connected. It’s like putting water down the chimney in your house- you’re gonna get a puddle in the living room.

If you need to speed up wicking close off the airflow and suck. This’ll pull juice through the coil using the back pressure you’ve created with the airflow closed. No need for additional juice through the tip.
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Yeah, maybe ;)

I keep cutting down the nic content of my juice to account for chaining...

Increasing the nic won't stop me chaining, it'll just make me dizzy.

That's exactly what i done. I bought one 9mg bottle and 6mg, I couldn't contol myself with the 9mg. Just kept chaining away and getting dizzy
Thank you all for your replies. I didn't expect such quick responses from so many people!

I vaped about 6 months ago using this terrible machine I bought when in China, using these coils that would last less than a day. Then got fed up and smoked cigarettes again.

But then decided to invest in the eleaf ijust3, paying that little bit more for better equipment really makes a massive difference. This machine is 1,000 times better than that £10 Chinese starter kit i had before.
Thank you all for your replies. I didn't expect such quick responses from so many people!

I vaped about 6 months ago using this terrible machine I bought when in China, using these coils that would last less than a day. Then got fed up and smoked cigarettes again.

But then decided to invest in the eleaf ijust3, paying that little bit more for better equipment really makes a massive difference. This machine is 1,000 times better than that £10 Chinese starter kit i had before.

It might not work for your set up, but some people (including myself) do it. That's, using a fine need, prick the cotton in the coil head from the sides through to the coil itself before installing. The tiny holes will help the juice through quicker.
Please note the words fine and tiny, as you don't want to make the tank flood with holes big enough to get a bus through.
One or two very fine holes in each juice slot, should be more than enough.

Ps. This is not possible to do on all coil heads. And may not work for you.
Hi And welcome , just a thought what vg/pg ratio are you using, a high vg (70-80%)will give you bigger clouds but is a higher viscocity, and is slower wicking, lowering the vg to say 60- 65% may help also as pg is more of a flavour carrier it will improve the flavour . If thats you're style of vaping maybe a tank that has larger wicking holes may help. Good luck and I hope you sort your dilemma
Thanks for the reply. I'm using an eleaf ijust3, my coil is 3 days old, and my juice is 70/30. But i am chain smoking it a bit. I will take a hit, close the air hole, suck to get the juice through the coil, and hit again

Have you tried a 60/40 VG/PG ratio? If your 70% VG juice is causing dry hits, maybe a "thinner" eliquid with more PG is what you need.
I have devices with stock coils (the ready made ones) that can't really cope with 70/30 juices.

ETA ha ha what Jude said!
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