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It is not difficult to understand.

Good thread.

But if the argument is

more surface area = more vapor

And low ohms on a reg mod aren't necessary

What's the sweet spot for more surface area and low ramp up time considering a fused Clapton?
This was quite an old article, but more surface area does still mean more vapour, and more juice used.

Depending on your mod, if you are going for clouds you want to build in mind with the voltage and amp output limits of the mod, whilst still achieving maximum surface area possible.

Regulated mods now can fire very low resistances, but a lot of newer mods don't put out such a high voltage as they used too, so using such high resistance coils with a tonne of surface area isn't as viable as it once was if your mod can only output 6V max, so Subohm set ups will work best in this scenario.

It is all about experimentation really, I vape anywhere from 0.06-8 if using Ni200, up to over 1Ohm with single coil Kanthal builds.
Good thread.

But if the argument is

more surface area = more vapor

And low ohms on a reg mod aren't necessary

What's the sweet spot for more surface area and low ramp up time considering a fused Clapton?
Some level of necromamcy going on here....
But really yeah it's surface area that is important.
Personally I wouldn't use high voltage because not all wire can handle it, as an example I melted a ss316 26g coil yesterday because I swapped my clouf beast (90w was in use at 0.25ohm) for my Tsunami (0.3 for around 30-45w)
Now rebuilt
The Tsunami with dual 10 wrap 26g ss316 sits on my unregulated squonk @4.2v giving around 55w
The cloud beast is on my r2/3 at 4.2 for 70w but has a fused 24g kanthal with 3mg nichrome
The beast gives bigger, hotter, denser clouds because of its coil size.
But the beasts coils can go beyond 110w because of its thickness
It's also got more surface
But more surface is more wire which is easier to achieve with parallel wraps, parallel lowers ohms.
I've found my biggest coils surface wise are also the lowest ohm per meter wires ( custom made)
A good thread is like a good record. Always worth digging out. @EmbraSewerRat has been pointing this out for anyone who will listen. If you need more vapour and think I need a bigger mod you will be far better off by changing your 24awg to flattened 24awg wire. More surface area to the pound. And bigger isn't always better. I've seen a lot of alien and other complex coils going into the hadaly when it was actually designed to take a simple coil and get the best out of it. Hence why many have noticed it gets incredibly hot. I've got a 2.5 mm 0.5 ohm 26 awg kanthal coil in it at the moment and it throws flavour at me and could out cloud most sub ohm tanks. Plus I know if I want more I've got room to go up to 3mm without compromising the chamber size. Bigger and lower isn't always the way to go.
That was a really good post, I'm glad it rose from the dead! I had been coming to this conclusion albeit from a slightly different angle, so feel reassured I've wrapped (lol, punny!) my brain around the concept of vaping!
I think the author of that post missed the obvious.

In October 2014 high powered mods were just coming in, and up till then the only way to get huge power with mechs was to build really low resistance coils.

Try putting a 1.8ohm build in the most hard hitting mech there is and you may just get a satisfactory vape. You'd get bigger clouds farting on a cold day.

These days, it's down to the thickness of the wire. Thickness reduces resistance, length increases it, so with Claptons and Aliens and the like, coils are getting thicker and resistances lower.
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