No worries. They're fantastic coils. Enjoy!Yeah, they're the coils i ordered.
Thanks again for the help
Yeah, definitely. They would work great in the reload. They're nice sized coils. Not too big, not too small. The 3 x 28ga core version is slightly larger than the 2x 26ga core version. So between the two coil types they're suitable for all rta's except maybe the very smallest like a goblin mini. But they will go in anything and everything from a troll to a triple 28. They ramp up so efficiently and fast you will find you need to use less power than you would with other poorer quality fused claptons.@Mitz
Would you suggest this for all rta’s? I’ve just had a reload delivered so was going to try wicking that way.
No worries. It's all about the wire combo. A lot of fused claptons use a wrapping wire that's too thick and close in gauge to the core wires. The wrap should be a minimum of 10 gauges higher than the core wires. The shittier coils use 26ga cores with 32ga wrap. They're useless bcoz the wrap is too similar in size to the core to help it heat up. Instead the core and wrap just heat up together. Which defeats the point of fused Clapton coils, namely efficient assisted heating.Cheers for the info bud
I was, I switched to the pads. It seems easier to gauge how much I need/I'm using. I did order Coil Master pro cotton. I have some Koh Gen Do from Vape Super Store as well, I guess I can try that next. Thanks.Not sure which cotton you're using. I find cotton bacon quite dense and easier to 'overwick' with.
Try Kendo Vape Gold. Pain in the arse to prime, but once it starts wicking then it's a lot more forgiving if you packed too much into the coils. IMHO.