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wireless charging ?


May 27, 2014
HI, i just finished my dna40 big screen build


Im now thinking about wireless charging. My first question is is it possible to fit a receiver in the bottom of the mod. i assume the shark/hana has it in the side and you have to lay the mod down on its side to charge it, unless the charger it situated upright?

If anyone knows what i can use and where i can order the boards in the UK & is it even worth it. :)
Was a thread about this awhile back if you feel like searching for it.
I did read a couple of threads and it seems that the receiver is on the front , didnt to me look like there is anything that can allow charging from the bottom, i could be wrong. k thx.
I did read a couple of threads and it seems that the receiver is on the front , didnt to me look like there is anything that can allow charging from the bottom, i could be wrong. k thx.

Probably more of an issue with the size of the receiver coil and that they only work within around 5mm of the transmitter.

This is interesting!!!

Could you not just use the wireless charging unit from say a mobile phone, i know there are some pretty small-ish ones out there
This is interesting!!!

Could you not just use the wireless charging unit from say a mobile phone, i know there are some pretty small-ish ones out there

AAarghhhhh, bloody hell NO...

I dont want to sound all doom and gloom but thats a recipe for exploding batteries. You must use the correct charger, without being exactly sure of the specifications you cannot guarantee safe operation. Phone chargers are for phones, USB Charging is only universal if the device you are charging has it's own charging board or is designed to work directly from USB. It's the same with wireless chargers, phone chargers use different voltages than the Lithium batteris we use. Only use a wireless charging circuit designed for the 3.7v Lithium batteries we use....
AAarghhhhh, bloody hell NO...

I dont want to sound all doom and gloom but thats a recipe for exploding batteries. You must use the correct charger, without being exactly sure of the specifications you cannot guarantee safe operation. Phone chargers are for phones, USB Charging is only universal if the device you are charging has it's own charging board or is designed to work directly from USB. It's the same with wireless chargers, phone chargers use different voltages than the Lithium batteris we use. Only use a wireless charging circuit designed for the 3.7v Lithium batteries we use....

Well i shall shut the fluff up then!
There are receiver coils that work by plugging into a usb charging port, you could use one of those if you moved the charging port inside the unit or add a second to the existing charging board.
Well i shall shut the fluff up then!

It wasn't a personal dig at you, not everyone is an engineer - To the layman a wireless charger should work with everything - and in theory they would, but often the outputs are different. I would like to see a universal type wireless charging receiver that can be attached internally to the input side of a standard USB charging board, that way one receiver could be fitted to any device that had a USB Charge board just by soldering two wires to the standard 5v input of the board.
Lol, i didn't take it as that way.

Im useless with electrics, wouldn't even trust myself with a light switch. I'm glad you pointed it out!! My hair brained schemes never work lol
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