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Wotofo Nudge


Apr 19, 2018

have been looking around the internet for a budget squonk set up and i think iv now found what I'm looking for

set my mind now on a authentic Wotofo Nudge bf with the changeable fuse for extra safety which i can change out depending on what batteries i get great idea having this built in never seen anything like this before around $24 can't argue with that price

also for a atomizer I'm still not sure maybe a apocalypse gen 2 bf clone at around $8

was also looking at the Hadaley single coil but it looks a little small might get to hot ?

is the gen 2 worth it seen a YTer saying it's a goon killer

also looking at battle decks clones but i couldn't find any with a bf pin

is there any other clone bf rdas i should have a look at ?
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Hi mate

If you're looking for a budget squonk setup mate, i'd definitely recommend the Pico Squeeze - cheap as chips from FastTech, a few basic protections built in (reverse polarity) and pocket sized.

There's a lot of decent 22mm bf friendly RDA's around at the moment - the Pulse 22 is very good, although the top cap does have a tendency to stick. The Wasp is another good one. The SXK Haku clone is another good one. I'm not a fan of the Hadaly myself, but it does have plenty of admirers.
doing a bit of searching today and found this saying that car a fuse are not up to the job for protecting a circuit like this
For decent protection, you'll generally want a lower value than you think. There's a time/current curve with these fuses. A typical automotive fuse won't blow until you've run double its rated current through it for 10 seconds or more, and to get it to blow under 1 second requires something close to 5 times the rated current. This generally isn't a problem in cars because the huge (by our standards) car battery will supply ridiculous amounts of current into a dead short, but our wimpy little 18650s won't.
Bottom line: An automotive-type fuse with a rating higher than about 15 or maybe 20A is little-to-no protection at all for a single 18650 because it won't blow fast enough (if at all) on the current the battery can actually produce."

any thoughts ?
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