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Review Wraith Squonker.


Sep 18, 2015
So i actually wrote this quick review of the C.O.V Wraith 80W squonk mod for a member on here. Seeing how much chatter there is about it though i decided to post it. Now i am by no means a reviewer actually this is the first review i have ever done, its short crude and doesn't go into much detail but it might help a few of you out so i thought why not!

Inside the box you get along with the mod and RDA two bottles one clear and one black (smoked effect) these bottle are almost like an ordinary E liquid bottle apart from the tube inside so if you wish you could fill the second bottle with juice and just carry it with you as a pare ready to swap straight into the mod. The bag of spares has 2 spare post screws one of each o ring and one little blue screw driver. The instruction booklet is a little brief but it has all the information needed, would have been nice to see things explained in a little more detail though.

As you can see you press or squeeze the bottle from the hole on the side of the mod, I find myself using my ring and or little finger to do so. I have rather small hands for a bloke but even for me its a very comfy fit and feel in the hand. The non carbon fiber areas of the mod have a rubberized finish very similar to the Sigelei 150W TC, if shows every little juice smudge so if your a little OCD about those sort of things it might bug you a little. You'll probably be able to see what i mean from my pictures.

I personally find the screen to be very clear and easy to read, it is a bit hard to see in direct sunlight but what mod screen isn't. The menu can take a while to get used to and figure out but if you are anything like me after 5 minuets playing it just clicks and its easy!

The RDA i personally love it for a 2 post hole RDA its rather easy to build the main problem is how they designed the posts so that you can fit large builds in. With there been such a long distance between the 2 post you have to leave the legs long on smaller coils to get them to fit but, there is plenty of room to play around with different builds.

As you can see below the squonk bottle and the battery (Single 18650) are placed in through the bottom with a door that shuts then slides into place. The door feels solid and well built. It can be a little tricky getting the bottle to stay in place though when swapping out the battery and vise versa.

The top of the RDA has an anti spit back sort of grill in place now in the past i have found these to greatly hinder the performance of the RDA but with this its hard to tell its even there. Great flavor and plenty of vapor!

The air flow is great on this thing i personally love big airy draws so i have it set on the infinity symbol which opens up all the slits on the side which go all the way around the RDA. Now i have tried it turned down and you can get a nice restricted DL hit but i wouldn't say its any good for MTL though.

Overall i am really enjoying the mod the only con i can find is the battery life to me doesn't seem all that great but i normally run on a RX200s. Also the build you can see i am running it at 55W so i may be asking a lot from a single 18650. Now if i am honest i didn't even know this mod could do TC until i got it and read the booklet as i personally hate TC and have had nothing but bad experiences with it so i can not comment on how well it works. Oh and nearly forgot i bought this from http://www.audaciousvapes.co.uk/
Been using mine for just over a week now, and like you, I'm impressed.
I only use mine when I'm at home, so the battery will last me 2 evenings vaping, running 0.5 ohm at 65w.
I love the build quality, it feels solid and comfortable in the hand and easy to squonk with.
It is my 1st rda, so have nothing to compare to, but have noticed that after 3 or 4 hits, juice will definitely come along for the ride with the vapor! If I take a piece of tissue and wipe the top of the tip and underneath the spitback protection, there is a lot of condensation/juice there.

That's my only gripe so far, but have a tsunami on order, so will see how that goes.

I ordered mine from cigabuy, and paid £44 delivered, and got it in a week, so happy there too.

But overall, will definitely look for another squonker to go along with this, as the ease of vaping now has (for me) gone up a level.
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