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Yet another problem

Looks like the top coil Isa little close to the centre post and quite a bit of cotton in it it may be that the cotton is pushing That coil into the +post also if it is a clone strip it down completely and clean then reassemble it that may help if its not a clone not still do it there may be some swarf somewhere you cant see
Looks like the top coil Isa little close to the centre post and quite a bit of cotton in it it may be that the cotton is pushing That coil into the +post also if it is a clone strip it down completely and clean then reassemble it that may help if its not a clone not still do it there may be some swarf somewhere you cant see
It's close but there is no contact.
I'm going with the educated guess that this is something to do with the 510 pin, make sure the centre pin is protruding about a mm below the threaded section, if there isn't enough clearance you could be getting shorts there...
I'm going with the educated guess that this is something to do with the 510 pin, make sure the centre pin is protruding about a mm below the threaded section, if there isn't enough clearance you could be getting shorts there...
The 510 looks fine... The only thing I can think of is it's because of the twisted kanthal
Twisted Kanthal should make no difference whatsoever, it's a resistance wire, twisting 2 strands together just makes it a bit lower, not enough to cause a short- unless you're building very low...
Twisted Kanthal should make no difference whatsoever, it's a resistance wire, twisting 2 strands together just makes it a bit lower, not enough to cause a short- unless you're building very low...
Well my current is 0.18 last was 0.25
If it the atomiser short message that comes up on the Cubiod. It's a known issue with the cuboid. :(
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