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Your best eliquid discovery 2024


Oct 31, 2014
So what eliquid is your best discovery of 2024, you can only pick ONE.....That means ONE and ONE only...for the dafties out there that means only ONE... no close calls or it's between this or that....select only ONE.

Mine is @Digbys Green Dream Pistachio RY4
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I'm a very late comer to dessert flavours. But this year I finally took the plunge and started trying different ones. After many fails I FOUND THE ONE. It could easily be my all day vape every day for the rest of my vaping journey. So after 9 years of vaping fruit flavours and staying away from dessert flavours, 2024 flavour is Darkstars Blueberry 🫐 muffin 🧁
Five Pawns Symmetry Six which is a blend of rhubarb, ripe strawberries, a splash of oat grain and Graham cracker with a hint of vanilla cream
For me it has to be Flood Mama jamma I'm addicted to this stuff, wearesupergood No 2 was always my go to for shortfalls but got knocked of it's spot by flooid
Gimme's Pipe Tobacco, though my missus says it smells like a mix of shite and a dirty old tramps underpants (I did point out I wasn't happy with her running about sniffing the undies of the less fortunate)
Everything i try that's new or even recommended i find shite so tend to stick with what i know.
Everything i try that's new or even recommended i find shite so tend to stick with what i know.
Bit like that myself only to end up binning it, classic case is darstar alot on here rate to me it was cack & lacking flavour, so I stick to a few brands I've been using for few years & same flavour profile
Bit like that myself only to end up binning it, classic case is darstar alot on here rate to me it was cack & lacking flavour, so I stick to a few brands I've been using for few years & same flavour profile
Darkstar can be hit and miss
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