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Sleekit Juice


Jan 28, 2016
Hi all I'm trying to access the Sleekit juice website. However I'm keep getting a 404 error message. Have they stopped trading?
You can e-mail or phone orders for Sleekit juice , good thing is you only pay for liquid as its post free . they have introduced several new flavors since moving premises , I am vaping on a new one , strawberry honeydew melon & cream ,real nice fruit inhale and lingering cream , I hope they start producing this one as I really like it ,will give them a big hint anyway . Please remember if you custard or cream blends you will probably find it best to steep for a week or so to mature the flavor , I have found juice I buy from them better or at least on par with premium juice I was paying more than double the price for . Lucky me I live quite close and just walk round to get mine
May have been mistaken , will go see them tomorrow and find out , will give you an answer monday or tuesday
My bad seems I wrong talking to other vapers , apparently he does not do post free any more , I was quoting an old flyer , because of costs he now charges postage . Still a good deal , 100 ml is going to cost what just under £20 . I was paying £20 for 30 or 50 ml bottles of naked fish or element juice from vape shops and this stuff is better
Just bought from these for the first time, heard good things about them.

I bought some Grape Dank, expected it to be purple but it's quite clear looking. Does this change after steeping it a while?
And from what I've read, Sleekit's juice in general should be steeped for at least a week anyway, is this correct?
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