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Sub Ohm tank with Top Airflow and Compatible Coils


Jan 20, 2015
Hi all,

Gave up vaping a few years back as I was sick of shit leaking everywhere. I'd gotten down to 1mg nicotine anyway so it wasn't hard to stop. I was mainly using a mixture of Kanger Aero Pro Tank Mega and was rewicking coils on an Istick 50w but I also had the Joyetach Delta 2, Smok Subohm VCT Tank, Kanger Subtank Mini on an Eleaf Pico Mega.

I moved to Thailand a year ago and stupidly started smoking again. So I went and bought a Voopoo Drag Max on recommendation that they don't leak because they're a new pod system. Well it has leaked, quite a few times. I've used both the VM5 and VM6 coils. I should have done some research but I wasn't aware at the time how easy it is to buy stuff over here despite it being banned. I was also informed that I could use other coils in it but cannot find which ones, if at all.

Anyway, I've ordered a 510 adaptor and am looking for a Sub Ohm tank with Top Airflow and Compatible Coils. The top airflow to stop the leaking and compatible coils - as there isn't too much choice here inside Thailand.

I actually quite like the Drag Max, charges quickly, simple to use, fits my hand nicely and holds 2 x 18650. I mainly vape 70/30 custards and I don't usually go too high watts because I don't like hot vape. I probably would have bought a none-pod model though.

I've read most of the topics on Sub Ohm Tanks but they all seem to be predominantly about bottom airflow tanks or tanks that are not compatible with other coils or RTAs.

I'm going to to buy the Geekvape Zeus X RTA as I can pick one up for £10 and I can also buy the Mesh RTA Deck for another £10. I fancy seeing how hard it is. But I still wouldn't mind a tank with premade coils I can just pop in.

Any pointers? Thanks in advance.
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No idea on the stock coil tanks tbh, but the zeus x rta is a good tank imo, not that difficult to wick you just need to thin out the tails quite good so it can keep up with the wicking. I basically comb out the tails with the tip of my scissors and then tuck them in to the wells after a clean up trim.
I've been watching lots of video reviews about it, so thought it's worth a shot at a tenner. Problem here is I can't find out if it's a clone or not as the Thais wont answer questions like this. There's no consumer law here so they don't give a shit what they sell you.
Would you know if the sub ohm tank is compatible with both Zeus X RTA decks? Would really kill 3 birds if it is.
Hi mate.
AFAIK theres no top airflow tank compatible with PnP coils.

However I know about some decent top airflow sub-ohm tanks:
1) Advken Owl: compatible with baby coils, you can find these coilheads anywhere (of many brands)
2) Augvape Intake Sub-ohm tank: no known compatible coils
3) Geekvape Zeus subtank: you already spotted this one
4) Hellvape Fat Rabbit: This one has top and lower AF regulation, being able to shut off the bottom completely. This also use baby coils.

And thats pretty much all you will find for DL vaping.
Extra tip: Seems like many people complaints about PnP coils leaking, for many reasons, but Wotofo Manik coils fit also and those not leak a single drop out.
Nonetheless, conditions of humidity, altitude and heat there in Thailand, makes the worst scenario for sub-ohm tanks.

PS: If you are into top AF RTAs, go have a look into the Augvape Intake RTA family. And, of course, the Vandy Vape Kylin Mini V2 (Im amazed with this one)
Thanks for the info mate. I'll start having a look. When you say baby coils, is this a brand? I've not come across them before.

I'm going to sack off the PNP coils altogether. I've ordered a 510 adapter for the Drag to fit a proper tank on. Although I may order some Wotofo Manik.
Thanks for the info mate. I'll start having a look. When you say baby coils, is this a brand? I've not come across them before.

I'm going to sack off the PNP coils altogether. I've ordered a 510 adapter for the Drag to fit a proper tank on. Although I may order some Wotofo Manik.
Nope, its not a brand. Its a shared coilhead format by many manufacturers/tanks. Threading /dimensions.
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