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Sad News for us NET Fans.

Increased filtration of NETs so they are a much clearer colour to reduce gunking has prolonged coil life and Juice Cabin were heading in that direction too. The downside is they are more expensive.
So are all flavorings are going to be banned?

Honestly dont know what I'm going to do without Mr Pink. I did a £400 order but it will be empty at some point. Its not just PinkMan either unless theres another I'm not aware of.
Gotta say O agree with @Rickster , they seem to have a habit of taking good mixes, substituting inferior/cheaper products and trashing the mixes.
It is better than it disappearing and time will tell if Darkstar make a decent fist of it.
Perhaps a stupid question, but doesn’t anyone order NETs from the continent? Both French and Italian NETs can be top quality, and they’re not any more expensive than those in the UK. Or is there double VAT and duties because of Brexit? :hmm:

Or is it just national pride and pure patriotism? :uk:
I don't really vape a lot of NET's tbh, my laziness at having to rewick frequently makes me not bother.
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