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What tobacco\cigarette juice are you using


Sep 26, 2023
Hi All
Many failed attempts at vaping and believe it was down to not finding the right juice. I always tried tobacco flavours. Then decided to try different flavours and settled for barjuice Mr Blue 20mg Nic Salt.

However I still sneaking in a ciggy every now and then. Is there such a vape that replicates or satisfies a cigarette urge lol (lambert) rather than tobacco. All our tastes are different but figured I get a head start before entering the minefield of trial and error.

I wouldn't vape a tobacco juice that actually tasted like a cigarette personally. I do vape a lot of dessert tobaccos though. They have some of the earthiness of tobacco but are embellished with things like caramel, nuts and many other flavours. My favourite brand is Manabush for this.
I'm with rew on this one, I never fancied fruit flavours, especially in the morning with a coffee. I tried a few cigarette flavours and regretted it. Some straight tobaccos aren't good either because they taste like sniffing a packet and they aren't smoky. I found my happy medium with vanilla tobaccos and nutty tobaccos. Supergood Uncommon 4 is a great one, tobacco monster bold I always have and ReUp vanilla tobacco is a cheap one I like. Alternatively I sometimes like a cigar liquid even though I never smoked cigars!
I've been really enjoying the Five Pawns Black Flag Risen and Castle Long the last few weeks, very pleasant in the Bilux and EraAIO. Manabush carry the liquids.
Doubt you'll find a tobacco flavour that tastes just like a particular brand of or of cigarettes in general and many ex-smokers avoid tobacco. I vape straight naturally extracted tobaccos from Drakes and La Tabaccheria.
Totall opposite here :) I enjoy tobacco, the plainer the better, though I am a bit fussy on what I vape. Net mainly and a few standard juices eg bread of heaven. Occasionally if I want a sweet boost I will vape a sweet tobacco.
I am mainly vaping Manabush now simply because i think they are the best out there. I really can't think of a Liquid by them that i haven't liked. I should be trying other Brands but find it hard to find anything that i like especially Tobacco Flavoured. Not a massive fan of Sweet Flavours but enjoy a good Strawberry or Blackcurrant Liquid, always found Lemon Flavours a bit Harsh for me. There are quite a few decent Custards out there as well.
I enjoy a juice with a tobacco based vape, but they mostly seem to be 50/50 juice. There doesn't seem to be many tobacco juices for us DTL/RDTL vapers.
Maybe tobacco vapers are all MTL vapers?
I enjoy a juice with a tobacco based vape, but they mostly seem to be 50/50 juice. There doesn't seem to be many tobacco juices for us DTL/RDTL vapers.
Maybe tobacco vapers are all MTL vapers?

I've only bought one tobacco for DL and I thought it was a bit weird. Might be just me but as you say they aren't as common. Something just didn't sit right for me, I only DL custards and desserts. Mtl for tobaccos.
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