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In swirling mists, I discover my bliss,
Vaping's my thing, I can't resist.
A fragrant dance, a whimsical show,
It lights up my world, makes worries go.

Inhaling flavors, a delicious delight,
Vaporous clouds, an enchanting sight.
Exhaling gently, letting troubles fade,
Finding peace in the misty cascade.

But hey, let's remember, keep it cool,
Moderation's the rule, don't be a fool.
Enjoy the journey, embrace the fun,
Vaping's a joy, shared with everyone.

So raise your vape, let's cheers and play,
Unite in the pleasure, day by day.
Mortality overtakes us all, but I may enjoy a gift card before I depart :eek:

I saw his approach
Riding hard
Gleaming his eyes
Silent as black night

Fear overtakes me not
Though it should
Cold veins shivering
Facing his triumph

Continued temptation
Devilish run
Battling this indignity
Too fatigued

Trample me
Furious haste
Fate finally calls
No more
In swirling mists, I discover my bliss,
Vaping's my thing, I can't resist.
A fragrant dance, a whimsical show,
It lights up my world, makes worries go.

Inhaling flavors, a delicious delight,
Vaporous clouds, an enchanting sight.
Exhaling gently, letting troubles fade,
Finding peace in the misty cascade.

But hey, let's remember, keep it cool,
Moderation's the rule, don't be a fool.
Enjoy the journey, embrace the fun,
Vaping's a joy, shared with everyone.

So raise your vape, let's cheers and play,
Unite in the pleasure, day by day.
Love this!
Mortality overtakes us all, but I may enjoy a gift card before I depart :eek:

I saw his approach
Riding hard
Gleaming his eyes
Silent as black night

Fear overtakes me not
Though it should
Cold veins shivering
Facing his triumph

Continued temptation
Devilish run
Battling this indignity
Too fatigued

Trample me
Furious haste
Fate finally calls
No more

In wisps of vapor, shadows swirl and dance,

An ethereal ritual, a modern romance.

Whispered promises linger in the air,

As nicotine whispers, a tempting affair.

Clouds of mystique, an addiction's embrace,

Vaping's allure, a fleeting chase.

Yet, caution echoes, a cautionary plea,

For balance and choice, the path to be free.
It's a Relationship by Brenda Booze

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with everything it seems
So I dwell inside myself and let out my silent screams
Here I sit amongst my friends and family in this room
But feel as though I'm all alone and feel impending doom
Whispers of my own sweet voice drift all through my head
Reminding me of all the things that fill my heart with dread
My heart begins to race like it wants to run and hide
But nowhere for it to go so I sit here as I cry
The tears begin to quickly trickle down my face and cheek
I mumble to myself about the comfort that I seek
My breathing soon picks up the pace and my ears begin to ring
A heat wells up all over me and my face begins to sting
Agitated and just wanting for all of this to cease
Finally I close my eyes and ask Him for His peace
It only took a moment for me to realize
That He is always there, always by my side
Out of my experience I leave you with this quip
He's so much more than faith, it's a relationship
Trust in Him and talk to Him as if you would a friend
And your life on earth will be a glimpse of your life in the end.
There was an old fellow from Wight
Who vaped all day and all night
He puffed out his clouds
Alone and in crowds
About an ohm was just right.

There was a young lady called Jilly
Who thought smoking tobacco was silly
She would rather a mod
Or even a pod
As she rode around on her filly.
In Chantilly.
With Billy.
It was a bit hilly.

Not an entry. Just having a caper.
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I have learning problems I am not a poaet but I tryed

Given up smoking now doing the vaping
So goodbye to the old comforts and to the lines plugged in to my walls where smoking not the same It is kinda a vaped dream without the daze of evil ways.
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