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“i” vaping in schools story…

The sneaky bastards, up until I read that the only thing that raised my hackles was the un evidenced claim of 68 deaths attributed to vaping.
Hi mate. Reporters and writers now use anything they can get and apply it however suits them. Its amazing doing image searches on articles, 90% do it. I read ages ago a story on Chinese fishing fleets raping the oceans, people could comment and in the comments section they were ripping them apart over a picture that showed them hauling in thousands of fish. Thing was the picture was of them fishing in one of their own huge freshwater lakes in China catching carp. Here during lockdowns the main newspaper here in Oz, Herald Sun, showed pictures of people apparently ignoring the rules of distance at a shopping area. They were shoulder to shoulder, some pictures of a similar thing at a beach. Public was outraged over the "selfish un Australian pigs putting others at risk". The same with people at protests, people were called un Australian neo nazis who were spreading death.
Until other pictures emerged from people who had been there at the beaches, shops and protests showing quite the opposite, everyone meters and meters apart. The media was purposely using camera lenses that compressed the images and footage.
Shame they never showed what really went on here!
Never trust the media.
It's not even a good story though.. just hysteria forming BS...

Instead of saying, the kids are using something less harmful than the fags kids used to smoke, they say "A “health crisis” driven by underage vaping, which is affecting schools up and down the country, could be on the horizon, i has been told."

And old Whitty, well, we used to like him during the pandemic, but now he's got bored and is missing being in the headlines, and saying - the number of children vaping was “appalling”.

It's not appalling, it's actually good news.. as they are not smoking instead...
.. but the fuckwitted Whitty & media can't see that.

Whitty also said to the Health and Social Care Committee at the Houses of Parliament last week -
".. that disposable vapes, things like ElfBar, are clearly the kinds of products that look as if they are being marketed in reality at children."
This is serious bullshit from a Government sponsored Professor.
to quote a film

"the cats out of the bag Mr. Turner" pirates of the Caribbean

referring to when the cat o nine tails whip left the bag it had to be used this is the state of the market the hysteria of vaping the badness but yes kids are using and it's true but then again in one report, a parent replied "he smoked before" about her 14-year-old son. I started smoking at school I started drinking at school education was said to be the key but you can't have it's safer than smoking by 95% and not expect a young mind not to experiment.

but ok ban them ban everything the multi-million-dollar tobacco industry is rubbing its hands together hoping and praying as they will swoop in. but wait what about alcohol and soft drugs kids use those too as well as a huge amount of the population.

it's a real mess I expect they will be banned (disposables) then, the juice will follow then a tax will be put on them and the industry will fold not only will i close but all the small shops, juice makers smaller companies will shut what will be left is the big players backed up by big tobacco.

this is worse than the tpd we just haven't seen it yet. I expect the press will say we dodged a bullet whilst the kids go back to smoking.

but a case in point remember "alcopops" oh no a generation of children drinking, they need to be banned, they are in bright colours with names that kids like......

https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/search?query=Alco pops&Nao=0

it's a shame when people ask me what i make I lie i now say I make lots of items in wood and resin because I just don't want the grief over "vapes are bad" "vaping will kill you"
And old Whitty, well, we used to like him during the pandemic, but now he's got bored and is missing being in the headlines, and saying - the number of children vaping was “appalling”.

I always thought of Whitty and his sidekick Vallance when they appeared alongside Bojo as 'The Three Stooges'. The whole covid/lockdown has been shown to be a total cock up overseen by so called 'experts' and incompetent politicians.
It's not even a good story though.. just hysteria forming BS...

Instead of saying, the kids are using something less harmful than the fags kids used to smoke, they say "A “health crisis” driven by underage vaping, which is affecting schools up and down the country, could be on the horizon, i has been told."

And old Whitty, well, we used to like him during the pandemic, but now he's got bored and is missing being in the headlines, and saying - the number of children vaping was “appalling”.

It's not appalling, it's actually good news.. as they are not smoking instead...
.. but the fuckwitted Whitty & media can't see that.

Whitty also said to the Health and Social Care Committee at the Houses of Parliament last week -
".. that disposable vapes, things like ElfBar, are clearly the kinds of products that look as if they are being marketed in reality at children."
This is serious bullshit from a Government sponsored Professor.
^^ this

Which is why this kind of thing happens (quoted from another thread):

Mrs Mash knows the cou about vaping even though she doesn't; having her hair done the other day the young lass doing it stunk of snouts and was saying she wants to give up (she'll be saying that for a few decades to come most likely) anyway Mrs Mash said have you thought about vaping....to which she replied no that's even worse than smoking!

It's reckless and irresponsible (passing that sensationalist spew off as) reporting IMO.
wait, it’s a shit article, agreed, but i don’t think anywhere it says vaping is worse than smoking?
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