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【Giveaway】Vaporesso All-Around Protected Vaping Device-FORZ TX80 Tester Wanted

Trying to do a spot of cold water swimming so I'd probably go for a swim in the sea with it, float on my back and have a vape.
I would check in my brother's carpentry. When I worked there, the dust from oak gets everywhere. This would be a great test for dustproofness. Then wash from dust under running water - check water resistance. After wiping off water drops, drop them onto the concrete floor. This way all checks will be passed in one place.
I'm housebound due to ill health and spend a lot of time in the kitchen baking and creating gluten-free recipes for myself. Flours, fluids and oils are a-plenty and spills are commonplace. Eggs and icing sugar are a real bind! Nothing tests the durability and sanitisational ability of a vape more than a working kitchen. My Vapes have to be cleaned afterwards along with everything else to help keep them fresh looking and appetising. They'll soon look stale if I don't.
I think I'd go hiking with FORZ TX80, maybe to test it during heavy rain is a pretty cool idea at this time of year - high humidity, a lot of water, mud, rocks and so on..
I think it would be best to test it in real world scenarios. I don't usually take mods with me when I leave the house because I have a tendency to drop them. And then with my cat-like reflexes when I go to try to catch it I end up flinging it 30 feet further than it would have otherwise dropped. Usually I end up pitching it in my attempt to catch it onto the concrete rather than falling straight down into the grass or some other softer surface. So I imagine that's the best way for me to test it. Simply bring it outside of the house with me. On a trip to the local grocery store I'm nearly certain I will end up leaving it on my lap where it will fall and likely get pitched into a concrete puddle! Of course, if that doesn't naturally happen through some Divine miracle, I have enough experience to know exactly how to imitate it:) I have followed vaporesso as well.
I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen and it gets messy there.
Oil, flour, different spices. I think kitchen is the perfect place to test the FORZ TX80.
Could have used one today while tiling bathroom, adhesive everywhere, could have just left it to soak then wipe off.
I’d bring it to work to test it. I work outside so it would put it through it’s paces.

Leave it there for a few minutes
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