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0.25 dual coils ohming our at 0.100 is it okay

Not sure i may have got lost on this but has there been some confusion over what the OP's mod was reading while idle that lead to this?
Not sure i may have got lost on this but has there been some confusion over what the OP's mod was reading while idle that lead to this?
Think I may got lost too haha, anyway swapped to different coils and it’s all good now
Buy different ones and better make ones. My thinking is bought coils ,not really safe ,buy new different ones. There was a time i bought prebuilds and reading was never right.
Buy different ones and better make ones. My thinking is bought coils ,not really safe ,buy new different ones. There was a time i bought prebuilds and reading was never right.
I don't even know what language this is...
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