You guys are awesome, much appreciated for your insightful vapist wisdom. ;] pics are awesome too, loving the long tip on that Igo-L. Everyone that Vapes around the LA area (at least my vape buddies) all build sub-ohm. Anything above .8 is pretty rare around here, didn't mean to offend anyone with my comment about building above 1 ohm.
I've gotten replies on other forums (finally hahah) and a lot of people are recommending the "Smok Scar Dripper." It really is a sexy looking little piece of RBA, and I feel that it'd look great with my VTR, the design around where it says "Taste it Love it" seems to flow excellently with the Scar. People tend to think the VTR Looks stupid with the adapter, but to me, it really just looks beastly so I'll definitely throw that dripper on top of it and I'll eventually try out the Igo-L as well as a lot of people seem to like it with the VTR.
For anyone that actually owns the VTR, have any of you considered drilling out the little caved in, circular indents along the bottom of the extender?? I see that there is one airhole already, but I'd love to drill trough all of them. I'm just worried there may be electrical components on the other side. Thoughts?