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100% VG Juice


Oct 26, 2016
Can anyone recommend a 100% VG juice that gives decent throat hit and flavour and is not too expensive please?

After vaping for about 8 years I'm wondering if I have an allergy to PG (I usually do 70/30). I have constant sinus problems and skin rashes. I've seen doctors about the skin problems and use ointments for that. I thought maybe I have 'long covid' but it occured to me only recently that it may be PG allergy. I bought some VSAVI 100% VG juice and tried it for a day and thought I felt a bit better, but I really don't get much of a throat hit or much flavour.

Also, if someone has an allergy to PG, would switching to 50/50 help? I'm guessing not, because if you're truly allergic to something I suppose even a small amount of it would trigger you.

I have a Beserker B3 MTL. 0.90 approx coil. Vape around 15W.

I read somewhere that not cleaning your tank regularly might contribute to allergic issues. Is that correct? I am a bit lax in that department I admit.

TIA for any advice.
Can anyone recommend a 100% VG juice that gives decent throat hit and flavour and is not too expensive please?

After vaping for about 8 years I'm wondering if I have an allergy to PG (I usually do 70/30). I have constant sinus problems and skin rashes. I've seen doctors about the skin problems and use ointments for that. I thought maybe I have 'long covid' but it occured to me only recently that it may be PG allergy. I bought some VSAVI 100% VG juice and tried it for a day and thought I felt a bit better, but I really don't get much of a throat hit or much flavour.

Also, if someone has an allergy to PG, would switching to 50/50 help? I'm guessing not, because if you're truly allergic to something I suppose even a small amount of it would trigger you.

I have a Beserker B3 MTL. 0.90 approx coil. Vape around 15W.

I read somewhere that not cleaning your tank regularly might contribute to allergic issues. Is that correct? I am a bit lax in that department I admit.

TIA for any advice.
I cant recommend an eliquid as I mix my own but reducing your PG content in some cases could help. By how much depends on the individual. Unfortunately its trial and error. My son has an intolerance to PG and mixes using VG nic, VG flavours and AVG base mix. He can use PG flavours as it's only a small percentage.
I cant recommend an eliquid as I mix my own but reducing your PG content in some cases could help. By how much depends on the individual. Unfortunately its trial and error. My son has an intolerance to PG and mixes using VG nic, VG flavours and AVG base mix. He can use PG flavours as it's only a small percentage.
Thanks Richard. I'd thought of trying a 50/50 juice but I wasn't sure if an allergy meant you had to cut out whatever was causing it totally.
What wire do you use? Some folk have an allergy to certain wire types.
Ive never built or used a RTA but if 70/30 is affecting you then higher 50/50 will make it worse if it is the pg causing it.
also as you only vape at 15watt then 100vg will struggle big time as the higer the vg you need sub ohm and higher wattage.
also throat hit is carried by the pg while vg gives bigger clouds.
Ive never built or used a RTA but if 70/30 is affecting you then higher 50/50 will make it worse if it is the pg causing it.
also as you only vape at 15watt then 100vg will struggle big time as the higer the vg you need sub ohm and higher wattage.
also throat hit is carried by the pg while vg gives bigger clouds.
I meant 70PG - that's what I have at the moment. So if I went 50/50 that's 20% less pg but I don't know if that would make much difference. I usually coil at about 0.90ohm. When I tried the 100VG juice I took it up to about 19W. Do you think I should've taken it a lot higher than that?
ahh, simple mistake. vg is always mentioned first on majority of bottles so took it you meant you was using 70vg.
worth a try then but as you are lowering the pg it will be less throat hit but still work fine in your mtl rta.
ahh, simple mistake. vg is always mentioned first on majority of bottles so took it you meant you was using 70vg.
worth a try then but as you are lowering the pg it will be less throat hit but still work fine in your mtl rta.
ok. thanks MrDJ
Thanks Richard. I'd thought of trying a 50/50 juice but I wasn't sure if an allergy meant you had to cut out whatever was causing it totally.
There are different degrees of reaction to PG. An allergy to it can cause soreness and blotches etc from even a small amount. An intolerance usually reguire more pg to cause the problem. My son can get away with 10_20% PG before he starts to get the reaction. Worth trying the 50/50 mix to see if it improves your problem.
Going too high with VG would require it to be thinned slightly with distilled water so the wicking ports can keep up with the e- liquid.
Could possibly be the juice your using, especially if there's a lot of additives in it. I get dry and sore itchy skin if I vape pre mixed juice that contains a lot of sweeteners in it.
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