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15th of Jan giveaways

The priceless look on a work colegues face on christmas eve or night when i turn up before shift starts and tell them 'go home i'm doing your shift and dont worry you'll get paid for it. Merry christmas!' [emoji4]
you are so nice, i am moving why not i don't have colleague like you tell me go have Merry Christmas eve and i still need work in Christmas day. :17::17::17:
#1 spending Xmas with my wife and 3 kids and another baby due in May. Also paying a deposit on our 1st home. Should be moved in by end of January
You rock, *crazy*Congratulations for the new birth baby, i guess whom can feel the love in Christmas and also congratulations fro moving to a new house. i am so happy for you.
The thought of the large rib roast we have for Christmas dinner and a few days off from a very brutal work schedule are what are keeping me sane at the moment. That and an Xbox one in my stocking.
Can you recommend some great games for Xbox, i always use the will but less gaming.
whats going to make me happy this year is my daughter and her boyfriend are stay over for xmas and hes a lovely lad but wouldn't say boo to a goose for fear of upseting them soooooo i have bought hes the most hideous pair of boxer shorts raindow sequind ones they are horrible and when he opens them and look me in the face and says thank you is going to make my day as i know how much hes going to hate them bless him :D
Your daughter's boyfriend loves you so much if i were him. But i can imagine your face :3dmad:
Your daughter's boyfriend loves you so much if i were him. But i can imagine your face :3dmad:
whats going to make me happy this year is my daughter and her boyfriend are stay over for xmas and hes a lovely lad but wouldn't say boo to a goose for fear of upseting them soooooo i have bought hes the most hideous pair of boxer shorts raindow sequind ones they are horrible and when he opens them and look me in the face and says thank you is going to make my day as i know how much hes going to hate them bless him :D
In Chinese there is an old saying, the feeling is kind of like the most precious thing be stolen. I don't it is right for you now.
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