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3D 20700 Squonk


Dec 21, 2014
Thought you guys may appreciate this it's a custom personal project I have been working on in calibration with @ax who designed it for me. Holds Modmaker 22mm 510 and bottle and takes a 20700 Battery. Body, Button and door are all Alumide. Very happy with the outcome.





These are strictly not for sales!

Just wanted to share my project.
Looks good, nice print.
Is there much difference in performance using the 20700 over the 18650 cells?
Looks good, nice print.
Is there much difference in performance using the 20700 over the 18650 cells?

Hey @geordie I was first drawn to the 20700 after reading about Tesla using them in the vehicles and thought they may be the future battery of choice. acording to Mooch at 0.3 on the Sanyo B 20700 you will get around 25% longer than the LG HG2. As for dimensions theres not that big of a difference. Im sure there will be other companys researching these batterys. The already hold 4000mah and its early days so will be interesting to see how far they can go.
Thanks for that @johnkemble I'll keep them in mind as 25% is not to be sniffed at, especially for single cell mods .
Looks very good @johnkemble...clean looking print. Looks great in alumide.

Based off the open sourced mushroom designs if I am not mistaken with a stretched body length...absolutely fantastic idea with the 20700.

Did ax run the print for you or have you got the hardware?
Thanks @beastobadness yes it is mushroom inspired the body's shape has been changed and been stretched and the way the internals work have also been and new grooves added for the contacts. No ax didn't print this one it was produced by a company in Belgium.
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