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The OH is curious bout vaping and "hopes i get off it soon" ummmmm the rest of the OH conflab was "if i wasnt on this (NRT gum) i could easily have a fag"

Needless to say he been on the gum three years now....ho hmmmmm

Having spent a little while vaping and spending a while shopping around for the cheapest place to get said gum from sunday im unsure as to why they (the pharm co) only do 4mg and 2mg gum and not a lower one. ....scratches head

To make money some people struggle to get off gum even at 2mg

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Couldn't he halve a piece to half the dosage and chew it along with some normal gum if that didn't leave a big enough bit? Don't get me wrong, I've tried gum along with every other NRT product on the market and they're all naff, just wondering.

Also, is 2mg gum the same as 2mg/ml liquid would be? Because that seems as near zero as makes practically no difference. Sorry, that's probably a stupid question that totally misunderstands how it works. Is it more like 20mg/ml?
Citrus i havent a clue how it works. All i know is it costs a fortune and he always chews it. I did say to him bout lopping them in half / alternating bout a year ago. He also seems to be getting through more now too. But he wont vape as he wanrs to be away from the whole "smoking" thing.

Was funny in greggs sunday discussing vaping / costs / how it works over a coffee and me explaining. Felt like the fountain of knowledge :D
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