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A hello and a question about cartomizers


May 5, 2013
Hello all. First post here of many hopefully. I look forward to chatting and getting to know you all.

Like many people, I started on e-lites and they were the first thing that really got me interested in vaping. I quickly found that I just wasn't getting enough out of these, so I purchased a liberty-flights 901-T kit which is great and still sees daily use. After lots of reading about other mods and other things available, I quickly bought a Janty Ego battery, a Warlords 5v box bod, and just this weekend I picked up a SS VAMO which is just awesome.

The problem I am having though is with my cartomizers. I have 2 types - some Boge standard resistance 510's and a DCT. I am having some problems though.

The DCT doesn't seem to wick very well. Despite it having 2 large slots cut into the carto, after a couple of puffs I get that horrible burning plastic taste which doesn't seem to change for ages and I hardly get any vapour. Ths is at all voltages too. Any suggestions to what I could be doing wrong? I have a 6mm tank and a drip tip in it if that helps.

The other problem I am having is with the Boge 510's. I have tried 3 now, filling by the condom method and no matter what I do I have the same horribe 'nutty' aftertaste from them, but get great amounts of vapour. This is both on some ivapour RY4 and some Liberty-flights Winston juices. They actually both taste exactly the same, which is not the case when I direct drip on one of my 901 atomizers.

So what can I be doing wrong? Seems I have been vaping fine until I branched into carto's and now I have all these great mods, but feel hindered by what I am using on them. Any advice or suggestions would be great.

Thanks in advance.

I don't much use cartos these days but they can vary in quality between batches. They do tend to mute flavours though especially compared as you say to dripping. As far as the DCT is concerned are they pre cut? Some VG juices don't wick well unless the holes are a bit bigger.
Thanks for the welcome Mark.

They are indeed pre-cut and are quite big slots too. I don't know why the juice wont flow. Especially as I use PG liquid.
When you say nutty taste..I'm taking you don't mean burnt taste. I find leaving cartos to really allow the juice to soak well in before first Vape is a good idea. Otherwise the wadding can overheat and produce an unpleasant taste. Once that taste is there its chuck it away time.
PG is generally thinner than VG so it should wick well.
Occasionally Vapers will get a sort of taste bud strike. Seems to be a common occurrence. I get it myself sometimes where nothing seems to taste as it should. Patience will normally sort that out.
You may just have a bad batch of cartos. Not sure what type of carto tank you are using but when filling its a good idea to allow some air space before sealing the unit as sometimes you can form a sort of vacuum and juice refuses to flow through the holes into the carto or does so slowly.
I have tried soaking overnight and all sorts, and still it tastes the same.

Yeah it's definitely more nutty rather than burnt. It is just a horrible aftertaste and one I haven't had with any other kit.

The vacuum idea would make sense. When I first fill the take its great and the vapour is perfect. It doesn't seem to last long though before I struggle with it. And I always leave a gap. I have tried filling all the way and only half filling and still I have no luck. Perhaps I just have nasty kit?
Yes the first few drags will be the juice you've prefilled with. If flavour drops off its deffo not wicking (recharging/refilling the carto)
Many thanks for the welcomes.

Ok, I need some suggestions as these carts just taste horrible and the DCT is performing really poorly. Can anyone recommend a tank or a carto that I could use on the Vamo that isn't going to cost me a fortune and I can get in the UK please? What I have here needs to go I think.

Many thanks
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