Hello all. First post here of many hopefully. I look forward to chatting and getting to know you all.
Like many people, I started on e-lites and they were the first thing that really got me interested in vaping. I quickly found that I just wasn't getting enough out of these, so I purchased a liberty-flights 901-T kit which is great and still sees daily use. After lots of reading about other mods and other things available, I quickly bought a Janty Ego battery, a Warlords 5v box bod, and just this weekend I picked up a SS VAMO which is just awesome.
The problem I am having though is with my cartomizers. I have 2 types - some Boge standard resistance 510's and a DCT. I am having some problems though.
The DCT doesn't seem to wick very well. Despite it having 2 large slots cut into the carto, after a couple of puffs I get that horrible burning plastic taste which doesn't seem to change for ages and I hardly get any vapour. Ths is at all voltages too. Any suggestions to what I could be doing wrong? I have a 6mm tank and a drip tip in it if that helps.
The other problem I am having is with the Boge 510's. I have tried 3 now, filling by the condom method and no matter what I do I have the same horribe 'nutty' aftertaste from them, but get great amounts of vapour. This is both on some ivapour RY4 and some Liberty-flights Winston juices. They actually both taste exactly the same, which is not the case when I direct drip on one of my 901 atomizers.
So what can I be doing wrong? Seems I have been vaping fine until I branched into carto's and now I have all these great mods, but feel hindered by what I am using on them. Any advice or suggestions would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Like many people, I started on e-lites and they were the first thing that really got me interested in vaping. I quickly found that I just wasn't getting enough out of these, so I purchased a liberty-flights 901-T kit which is great and still sees daily use. After lots of reading about other mods and other things available, I quickly bought a Janty Ego battery, a Warlords 5v box bod, and just this weekend I picked up a SS VAMO which is just awesome.
The problem I am having though is with my cartomizers. I have 2 types - some Boge standard resistance 510's and a DCT. I am having some problems though.
The DCT doesn't seem to wick very well. Despite it having 2 large slots cut into the carto, after a couple of puffs I get that horrible burning plastic taste which doesn't seem to change for ages and I hardly get any vapour. Ths is at all voltages too. Any suggestions to what I could be doing wrong? I have a 6mm tank and a drip tip in it if that helps.
The other problem I am having is with the Boge 510's. I have tried 3 now, filling by the condom method and no matter what I do I have the same horribe 'nutty' aftertaste from them, but get great amounts of vapour. This is both on some ivapour RY4 and some Liberty-flights Winston juices. They actually both taste exactly the same, which is not the case when I direct drip on one of my 901 atomizers.
So what can I be doing wrong? Seems I have been vaping fine until I branched into carto's and now I have all these great mods, but feel hindered by what I am using on them. Any advice or suggestions would be great.
Thanks in advance.