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A new Fastech??

if its ok with everyone else, I'm doing this as a test purchase in order to form my own opinion.
if its ok with everyone else, I'm doing this as a test purchase in order to form my own opinion.

That's perfectly fine Vern as did I hense my experience all I'm trying to do is prevent people having a bad experience as well as the fact I promised chinabuye any chance I get I will give them bad press.
its really a long long story, but the short version is, as an adult. I make a decision to buy from somewhere. Its not yello wpages, we can google companies to our hearts content.
Now we are faced with all the info we need on this company, and make an INFORMED decision
Shall I click buy? or not?

Once I click buy, if it goes wrong, as an adult, I'll take responsibility for my decision I took.

some of these people are selling us tubes that look like tubes that used to retail at £200, for less than £20, on provision that we can handle a bit of a wait, a language barrier, customs nonsense and the occasional missing parcel. and yes, shit service (compared to what we are used to)

It'll go wrong, it always does, humans are extremely fallible. There's humans in china too.

Spent today watching utter knobends complain to hell and back on twitter about BBM and the failed release, and just really venting because they want to vent, complaining that a company that said they would give them something free, has let them down by one f*kin day.

They probably want a cuddle from mommy or something.

So, yes, us vapers...;nicotine is an addiction, we want our fix, and we want it yesterday. So lets go to fasttech forums and read the deluge of complaints by others that also need a cuddle, because they made a bad decision all by themselves and now trying to blame others for their own mistake.

Some eople can handle the wait, the uncertainty, the worry about missing stuff, and perhaps even can swallow an occasional missing unrefunded cockup of an order.
Like slots, roulette, cards, ...you take your chances.

And if you want to be 100%, then order from a trusted uk vendor.
It also goes wrong there, sometimes, and sometimes you get it fixed quickly, and I've read on these very same forums of cases where it didnt get fixed quickly. To me, it seems like a very similar service, once the postal system is removed. People are people, mistakes happen.

Most of the time, the guy clicking "buy" is making a mistake. Possibly he or she cant handle what is to come.

There we go, I've alienated everybody:-)
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As an adult I'll keep my mouth shut then on my experience with shit companies I should note they had more then enough times to correct my problem and more then one occasions so its no mistake or human error from there side.

Anyway I'll keep my mouth shut and not try to help people after all the community is hear to let each other get shafted.

End of story.
ebayhomepc if you thought I was ripping into you, then I'm sorry for misleading you.
What I was trying to get across on such a horrible weekend was simply, I remember the site chinabuye from before, like...2 or 3 years, I cant remember, just generally looking for android stuff a while ago.
same for dealextreme.

they wouldnt still be operating if they took money, sat on it and said thank you but you arent getting your parcel.

you had a bad experience, and I'm sure it affected you negatively, but, so what. (in the bigger scheme of things) you are probably the 1% that didnt get happy happy have a nice day service.

It wouldnt be fair of me to listen to the 1% and then tar the company with that knowledge, so I read your stuff and took it on board and it still doesnt affect how I am making MY purchasing decision. See, the happy ones, they dont tend to say they were happy. Its a human flaw. We moan when we are unhappy, and shuttup mainly when we are happy. i.e. they didnt give me a reason to moan.

I appreciate what you told me, I put it into my decision making process, and it has counted against them. But not enough to prevent me clicking "buy"

I've bought from almost every single uk vendor. and then there is some other stuff. And on the whole they all managed to suck in one way or the other. I've just kept my mouth shut, because people are people, the world is imperfect and as long as I can see the vendor is trying to fix then I'm still happy.
Like that pv2 thread issue, I sent them a polite msg, they sent me a polite msg back, now they are fixing the problem. No ranting or moaning, shame, I'm sure they go back to their families and cry every night because we called them names and didnt get our stuff.

I'm not really sure what I am getting at here, so its probably best I go sleep. Tomorrow is ketchup challenge day. I didnt get time to do it today I'm afraid.

Were all family here, I'd like to think.
Vern OK your comment after mine just sounded a bit off to me but no worries :)

I will still say chinabuye did ask me to close my dispute before they will refund me what is that about? If its not trying to rip me off.
Looks interesting but until they get a bit more variety going I'll be sticking with FT.
:-) I was a bit offish, wasnt I:-) Swear I am having a period lately.
night all!

edit: btw, I'm fully prepared to go and eat humble pie if I got ripped off. But I like to think it was my own fault. not only did I read up everything I could, but ebayhomepc even told me to avoid

lets see what happens though. Life is too short.
Ok, so no update on my order, checked every website to track it... Maybe shipping just takes a while, but its fine. Ill let everyone know if it ever comes. Gonna contact support over the weekend.
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