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A new-ish vaper


Oct 17, 2014
Hi folks.

I just stumbled across this forum and thought I'd introduce myself.

I've been vaping for 2 months now, and got quickly tired of the poor vape I was getting from my ego-T battery and bottom coil EVOD.

I did some research and decided I fancied the MVP V2. Ordered online, it arrived yesterday and I'm now much happier with my vaping. It came with an iclear 30 which is working well so far, I was also considering a nautilus or nauti mini to complement the box, but I'm waiting to see how the iclear performs for a few days.

Glad to be here!
Welcome. I love my MVP for home use. I also use the itaste vv for out and about but battery life isn`t great. If you want to try a new atty look at Naturevape. They are all I use now.
Hello agent75, Nice to meet you Mate !!!:2thumbsup:
Thanks for the welcome!

Had my first bad experience vaping today. Up till now I've been using tobacco flavours from my local shop at 18 or 24 mg nic levels. I decided yesterday to get a 12mg juice from the same shop, it was a different make (lite-up anywhere) and it was disgusting. You know that scene in Elf where he sprays perfume in his mouth? That was my reaction. I've since cleaned my iclear 30 and run the trusty 24mg juice through and I'm back to normal.

My question is: the 12mg (actually 11mg) juice is the first bottle I've had that states the pg/vg ratio, and it was 30/70. Could that be the reason all I could taste was a sort of foul popcorn flavour? Not sure if all the rest I've had are 50/50, whether it was a bad batch or if some sort of horrible buttery diketone flavour was in it...
Hehe. Thanks! Now on an mvp20w with a kf4, vaping mostly fruits. I don't feel like such a noob anymore! It's my one year vapeaversary a week today!
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