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A question for the vendors about their online shops closing over Crimble.

ha, I'm only taking TWO DAYS off over Christmas, learned the lesson the hard way!!! Online shop has been left open!

What you not shipping Christmas day. Just think back Peeps no shopping Sundays,all of Easter,Bank Hols or Christmas, no one in retail gets time off for good behaviour now
What you not shipping Christmas day. Just think back Peeps no shopping Sundays,all of Easter,Bank Hols or Christmas, no one in retail gets time off for good behaviour now

I would not be taking any days off if it were down to me! I love what I do! But behind every Mr Vendor there is a BIG Mrs Vendor (the BOSS)
its upto the vendor but it does seem bad business practice to me just my opinion i mean vendors are entitled to a break though
I'm not sure why some places close entirely. We have a not shipping till X sign up. I'd reopen sooner but we're at home doing family stuff until Saturday.
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