When steeping do you leave the bottle caps off for a whole week or just a few days,and then replace the caps ,shaking in between?Or do you alternate one day cap on one day cap off shaking in between and do this for a week or two?
Personally, I just put them in a cupboard and take them out when I want them. I do try and keep juices for at least a week before using them, and if I order multiples, I try to rotate them so first in, first out.
some premixed liquids are already steeped so no need but ask the question when ordering unless it states it has been already steeped
I mix my own so in dark cool cupboard and every second day quick shake and cap off give the bottle few squeezes and cap back on and shake again. but everyone does it differently
Thanks for the help thats all I neede to know!You all have been a great help I'm glad I joined POTV I'm getting more help here than I did in the last two forums,glad I joined!
Not a silly question at all
I have been keeping mine in my airing cupboard, squeezing air out once a day, giving them a shake and putting them back in cupboard leaving the tops off. I do that for about a week then bring them downstairs to sit in my juice stand with tops on.
Sometimes I can't wait that long though so will try a little bit in a tank first
thanks for all the help guys,as I said before I had tried being a member on two other sites but I think that some of the people on them were more into themselves than into the joys of vaping!!!!
I place mine in a bain marie for about 20 mins ( off the heat of course ) then leave in cupboard for approx 2 weeks with lid off. I relid to shake on a daily basis. This is for self made juice.