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Accidentally bought a..


Dec 5, 2013
So I've accidentally bought a double cross RDA. Looking forward to having a play!

Question is will the wife accept the whole 'I swapped one of my things' for it routine..


You could always go down the give away a new supplier was doing a few weeks back..... I won. Omg i cant believe i won it. Dance round the room. Wait a few days and say it turned up today ;)

Im gona do that with my brass / copper nemi lol
I've already tried the I swapped it card. Met with scepticism. I'll try all these in the future. think I'll need another one next week too ;)

My OH still cant believe how cheap i get my things for. He thought my ss nemi with clouper tank and bent drip tip cost £100 - £150!

Worst bit is he goes shopping with me and sees me haggling over prices for faulty clothes / shoes :banghead:

Just have to come up with a plan for getting the kraken in the house when it arrives :D
I need an 18650 tube for my paps as I'm finding with dripping I'm below an ohm more. Sick of only having nice 18350 mods and only a crap 18650 one. So I'm prepping for that one now.

Its all in the planning ;)

Dont forget comps normally end on a saturday evening, so you cant receive it before the tuesday :P
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