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ACHTUNG! MIDLANDS VAPERS! - Nottingham Minimeet 10th August

Sorry folk, not gonna be able to get up to this one now, was hoping all would be well but alas not, but will be up at VF though come hell or high water, you all have a brill time ..mkay :) .
Almost ready to set off. Looking forward to seeing forum buddies and meeting new ones :)
Planning to get there for 3 ish, finding somewhere for some scoff and hitting the Sal early evening

Catch you all later
Truly gutted Andy! :( But get yourself well enough for the big party next week. :)

Leaving in an hour, picking M-T up, and reckon we will be in Nottingham at about 4 :)
Sorry folk, not gonna be able to get up to this one now, was hoping all would be well but alas not, but will be up at VF though come hell or high water, you all have a brill time ..mkay :) .
I thought you may find it difficult with all that's kicked off mate! Never mind, seeya next weekend!
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