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advice needed on startin to vape

thanks, would i be right in saying change it if it stops working or if you change flavours
I'm from that neck of woods originally :-) depends on flavour ur changing from and too,if similar if just carry straight on,if different def wash/change

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im still failry new to this myself so advice from me would be fairly....crap, but i can assure you, after 25 years of smoking 20+ a day this is the easiest thing in the world
i dont feel like i quit
i just feel like smoking got better
soo much better
havent had a fag since 13th December
wont be having one for a lot longer than that!
thanks sean1974 beensmokin roll up for 30 years plus and tried a shisha pipe/ hubble bubble but it was far too much faffing about trying to get the coal lit evenly etc so thought this would be a far easier way to go . plus its hard to carry a hubble bubble about with you when your out and about . lol
hi i live by llangollen and wrexham . Would be a good idea but as i havent a clue the could tell and sell me anything . so thought would get some advice on here. dont know where a vape shop is .

Da iawn. Croeso i'r Blaned :)

Mae siop anweddu yn Llangollen o'r enw Vapes All. Dw i ddim yn gwybod ble mae hi. Ond, mae un arall yng Nghroes Oswallt, 5 Albion Hill.
From one old guy to another. (I was a smoker for over 40 years) don't get stuck their is always help at POTV forums, DON'T be afraid to ask we all had to start somewhere.
I recommend the Evod starter kit, start small , get used to it and enjoy.
as this has turned into the "Darby and Joan" welcome meet, i thought i should chip in welcome from a 40 year+ ex-smoker ---- i still love typing EX-SMOKER you will be fine now
you have found this place :nicethread:
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